Uses of Package
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ClassDescriptionThis interface is used for the tracking and enforcement of Deletes during the course of a Get or Scan operation.
ClassDescriptionThis interface is used for the tracking and enforcement of Deletes during the course of a Get or Scan operation.A query matcher that is specifically designed for the scan case.
ClassDescriptionImplementing classes of this interface will be used for the tracking and enforcement of columns and numbers of versions and timeToLive during the course of a Get or Scan operation.Query matcher for compaction.This interface is used for the tracking and enforcement of Deletes during the course of a Get or Scan operation.Returns codes for delete result.A query matcher for compaction which can drop delete markers.Query matcher for minor compaction.A data structure which contains infos we need that happens before this node's mvcc and after the previous node's mvcc.Query matcher for normal user scan.Query matcher for raw scan.A query matcher that is specifically designed for the scan case.
return codes.Query matcher for user scan.