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Package Summary
Provides HBase Client
Provides client classes for invoking Coprocessor RPC protocols Overview Example Usage
Restrict the domain of a data attribute, often times to fulfill business rules/requirements.
Table of Contents
Provides row-level filters applied to HRegion scan results during calls to
Copied from hadoop source code.
See to know why.
This package provides access to JMX primarily through the JMXJsonServlet class.
This package provides user-selectable (via configuration) classes that add functionality to the web UI.
Provides implementations of HFile and HFile BlockCache.
Provides BucketCache, an implementation of BlockCache.
Tools to help define network clients and servers.
Provides HBase MapReduce Input/OutputFormats, a table indexing MapReduce job, and utility methods.
Provides HBase MapReduce Input/OutputFormats, a table indexing MapReduce job, and utility methods.
This package should be in the hbase-http module as a.a.h.h.http.gson.
The Region Normalizer subsystem is responsible for coaxing all the regions in a table toward a "normal" size, according to their storefile size.
Metrics API for HBase.
Implementation of the HBase Metrics framework.
Multi Cluster Replication
Provides an HBase Thrift service.
Provides an HBase Thrift service.
This package provides the definition and implementation of HBase's extensible data type API.
This package provides fully-functional exemplar Java code demonstrating simple usage of the hbase-client API, for incorporation into a Maven archetype with hbase-client dependency.
This package provides fully-functional exemplar Java code demonstrating simple usage of the hbase-client API, for incorporation into a Maven archetype with hbase-shaded-client dependency.