Class FavoredNodeLoadBalancer

All Implemented Interfaces:
ConfigurationObserver, FavoredNodesPromoter, LoadBalancer, Stoppable

@LimitedPrivate("Configuration") public class FavoredNodeLoadBalancer extends BaseLoadBalancer implements FavoredNodesPromoter
An implementation of the LoadBalancer that assigns favored nodes for each region. There is a Primary RegionServer that hosts the region, and then there is Secondary and Tertiary RegionServers. Currently, the favored nodes information is used in creating HDFS files - the Primary RegionServer passes the primary, secondary, tertiary node addresses as hints to the DistributedFileSystem API for creating files on the filesystem. These nodes are treated as hints by the HDFS to place the blocks of the file. This alleviates the problem to do with reading from remote nodes (since we can make the Secondary RegionServer as the new Primary RegionServer) after a region is recovered. This should help provide consistent read latencies for the regions even when their primary region servers die.