Class Encryption


@Public public final class Encryption extends Object
A facade for encryption algorithms and related support.
  • Field Details

    • LOG

      private static final org.slf4j.Logger LOG

      public static final String CRYPTO_ENABLED_CONF_KEY
      Configuration key for globally enable / disable column family encryption
      See Also:

      public static final boolean CRYPTO_ENABLED_CONF_DEFAULT
      Default value for globally enable / disable column family encryption (set to "true" for backward compatibility)
      See Also:

      Configuration key for the hash algorithm used for generating key hash in encrypted HFiles. This is a MessageDigest algorithm identifier string, like "MD5", "SHA-256" or "SHA-384". (default: "MD5" for backward compatibility reasons)
      See Also:

      Default hash algorithm used for generating key hash in encrypted HFiles. (we use "MD5" for backward compatibility reasons)
      See Also:

      Configuration key for specifying the behaviour if the configured hash algorithm differs from the one used for generating key hash in encrypted HFiles currently being read. - "false" (default): we won't fail but use the hash algorithm stored in the HFile - "true": we throw an exception (this can be useful if regulations are enforcing the usage of certain algorithms, e.g. on FIPS compliant clusters)
      See Also:

      Default behaviour is not to fail if the hash algorithm configured differs from the one used in the HFile. (this is the more fail-safe approach, allowing us to read encrypted HFiles written using a different encryption key hash algorithm)
      See Also:
    • keyProviderCache

  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • newContext

      public static Encryption.Context newContext()
    • newContext

      public static Encryption.Context newContext(org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration conf)
    • isEncryptionEnabled

      public static boolean isEncryptionEnabled(org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration conf)
      Returns true if the column family encryption feature is enabled globally.
    • getCipher

      public static Cipher getCipher(org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration conf, String name)
      Get an cipher given a name
      name - the cipher name
      the cipher, or null if a suitable one could not be found
    • getSupportedCiphers

      public static String[] getSupportedCiphers()
      Get names of supported encryption algorithms
      Array of strings, each represents a supported encryption algorithm
    • getSupportedCiphers

      public static String[] getSupportedCiphers(org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration conf)
      Get names of supported encryption algorithms
      Array of strings, each represents a supported encryption algorithm
    • getConfiguredHashAlgorithm

      public static String getConfiguredHashAlgorithm(org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration conf)
      Returns the Hash Algorithm defined in the crypto configuration.
    • failOnHashAlgorithmMismatch

      public static boolean failOnHashAlgorithmMismatch(org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration conf)
      Returns the Hash Algorithm mismatch behaviour defined in the crypto configuration.
    • computeCryptoKeyHash

      public static byte[] computeCryptoKeyHash(org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration conf, byte[] arg)
      Returns the hash of the supplied argument, using the hash algorithm specified in the given config.
    • hash128

      public static byte[] hash128(String... args)
      Return the MD5 digest of the concatenation of the supplied arguments.
    • hash128

      public static byte[] hash128(byte[]... args)
      Return the MD5 digest of the concatenation of the supplied arguments.
    • hash256

      public static byte[] hash256(String... args)
      Return the SHA-256 digest of the concatenation of the supplied arguments.
    • hash256

      public static byte[] hash256(byte[]... args)
      Return the SHA-256 digest of the concatenation of the supplied arguments.
    • pbkdf128

      public static byte[] pbkdf128(String... args)
      Return a 128 bit key derived from the concatenation of the supplied arguments using PBKDF2WithHmacSHA1 at 10,000 iterations.
    • pbkdf128

      public static byte[] pbkdf128(byte[]... args)
      Return a 128 bit key derived from the concatenation of the supplied arguments using PBKDF2WithHmacSHA1 at 10,000 iterations.
    • generateSecretKey

      public static byte[] generateSecretKey(org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration conf, String cypherAlg, String... args)
      Return a key derived from the concatenation of the supplied arguments using PBKDF2WithHmacSHA384 key derivation algorithm at 10,000 iterations. The length of the returned key is determined based on the need of the cypher algorithm. E.g. for the default "AES" we will need a 128 bit long key, while if the user is using a custom cipher, we might generate keys with other length. This key generation method is used currently e.g. in the HBase Shell (admin.rb) to generate a column family data encryption key, if the user provided an ENCRYPTION_KEY parameter.
    • generateSecretKey

      public static byte[] generateSecretKey(org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration conf, String cypherAlg, byte[]... args)
      Return a key derived from the concatenation of the supplied arguments using PBKDF2WithHmacSHA384 key derivation algorithm at 10,000 iterations. The length of the returned key is determined based on the need of the cypher algorithm. E.g. for the default "AES" we will need a 128 bit long key, while if the user is using a custom cipher, we might generate keys with other length. This key generation method is used currently e.g. in the HBase Shell (admin.rb) to generate a column family data encryption key, if the user provided an ENCRYPTION_KEY parameter.
    • generateSecretKey

      private static byte[] generateSecretKey(String algorithm, int keyLengthBytes, char[] password)
      Return a key (byte array) derived from the supplied password argument using the given algorithm with a random salt at 10,000 iterations.
      algorithm - the secret key generation algorithm to use
      keyLengthBytes - the length of the key to be derived (in bytes, not in bits)
      password - char array to use as password for the key generation algorithm
      secret key encoded as a byte array
    • encrypt

      public static void encrypt(OutputStream out, byte[] src, int offset, int length, Encryptor e) throws IOException
      Encrypt a block of plaintext

      The encryptor's state will be finalized. It should be reinitialized or returned to the pool.

      out - ciphertext
      src - plaintext
    • encrypt

      public static void encrypt(OutputStream out, byte[] src, int offset, int length, Encryption.Context context, byte[] iv) throws IOException
      Encrypt a block of plaintext
      out - ciphertext
      src - plaintext
    • encrypt

      public static void encrypt(OutputStream out, InputStream in, Encryptor e) throws IOException
      Encrypt a stream of plaintext given an encryptor

      The encryptor's state will be finalized. It should be reinitialized or returned to the pool.

      out - ciphertext
      in - plaintext
    • encrypt

      public static void encrypt(OutputStream out, InputStream in, Encryption.Context context, byte[] iv) throws IOException
      Encrypt a stream of plaintext given a context and IV
      out - ciphertext
      in - plaintet
    • decrypt

      public static void decrypt(byte[] dest, int destOffset, InputStream in, int destSize, Decryptor d) throws IOException
      Decrypt a block of ciphertext read in from a stream with the given cipher and context

      The decryptor's state will be finalized. It should be reinitialized or returned to the pool.

    • decrypt

      public static void decrypt(byte[] dest, int destOffset, InputStream in, int destSize, Encryption.Context context, byte[] iv) throws IOException
      Decrypt a block of ciphertext from a stream given a context and IV
    • decrypt

      public static void decrypt(OutputStream out, InputStream in, int outLen, Decryptor d) throws IOException
      Decrypt a stream of ciphertext given a decryptor
    • decrypt

      public static void decrypt(OutputStream out, InputStream in, int outLen, Encryption.Context context, byte[] iv) throws IOException
      Decrypt a stream of ciphertext given a context and IV
    • getSecretKeyForSubject

      public static Key getSecretKeyForSubject(String subject, org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration conf) throws IOException
      Resolves a key for the given subject
      a key for the given subject
      IOException - if the key is not found
    • encryptWithSubjectKey

      public static void encryptWithSubjectKey(OutputStream out, InputStream in, String subject, org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration conf, Cipher cipher, byte[] iv) throws IOException
      Encrypts a block of plaintext with the symmetric key resolved for the given subject
      out - ciphertext
      in - plaintext
      conf - configuration
      cipher - the encryption algorithm
      iv - the initialization vector, can be null
    • decryptWithSubjectKey

      public static void decryptWithSubjectKey(OutputStream out, InputStream in, int outLen, String subject, org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration conf, Cipher cipher, byte[] iv) throws IOException
      Decrypts a block of ciphertext with the symmetric key resolved for the given subject
      out - plaintext
      in - ciphertext
      outLen - the expected plaintext length
      subject - the subject's key alias
      conf - configuration
      cipher - the encryption algorithm
      iv - the initialization vector, can be null
    • getClassLoaderForClass

      private static ClassLoader getClassLoaderForClass(Class<?> c)
    • getCipherProvider

      public static CipherProvider getCipherProvider(org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration conf)
    • getKeyProvider

      public static KeyProvider getKeyProvider(org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration conf)
    • incrementIv

      public static void incrementIv(byte[] iv)
    • incrementIv

      public static void incrementIv(byte[] iv, int v)
    • hashWithAlg

      public static byte[] hashWithAlg(String algorithm, byte[]... args)
      Return the hash of the concatenation of the supplied arguments, using the hash algorithm provided.