Class CellCounter

All Implemented Interfaces:
org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configurable, org.apache.hadoop.util.Tool

@Public public class CellCounter extends org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configured implements org.apache.hadoop.util.Tool
A job with a a map and reduce phase to count cells in a table. The counter lists the following stats for a given table:
 1. Total number of rows in the table
 2. Total number of CFs across all rows
 3. Total qualifiers across all rows
 4. Total occurrence of each CF
 5. Total occurrence of each qualifier
 6. Total number of versions of each qualifier.
 7. Total size of serialized cells of each CF.
 8. Total size of serialized cells of each qualifier.
 9. Total size of serialized cells across all rows.
The cellcounter can take optional parameters to use a user supplied row/family/qualifier string to use in the report and second a regex based or prefix based row filter to restrict the count operation to a limited subset of rows from the table or a start time and/or end time to limit the count to a time range.