Class MetricRegistryInfo


@Private public class MetricRegistryInfo extends Object
HBase Metrics are grouped in different MetricRegistry'ies. All metrics that correspond to a subcomponent (like RPC, GC, WAL) are managed in a single MetricRegistry. This class holds the name and description and JMX related context names for such group of metrics.
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • getMetricsContext

      Get the metrics context. For hadoop metrics2 system this is usually an all lowercased string. eg. regionserver, master, thriftserver
      The string context used to register this source to hadoop's metrics2 system.
    • getMetricsDescription

      Get the description of what this source exposes.
    • getMetricsJmxContext

      Get the name of the context in JMX that this source will be exposed through. This is in ObjectName format. With the default context being Hadoop -> HBase
    • getMetricsName

      Get the name of the metrics that are being exported by this source. Eg. IPC, GC, WAL
    • isExistingSource

      public boolean isExistingSource()
      Returns whether or not this MetricRegistry is for an existing BaseSource
      true if this MetricRegistry is for an existing BaseSource.
    • equals

      public boolean equals(Object obj)
      equals in class Object
    • hashCode

      public int hashCode()
      hashCode in class Object