Class CellChunkMap

All Implemented Interfaces:
Map<Cell,Cell>, NavigableMap<Cell,Cell>, SortedMap<Cell,Cell>

@Private public class CellChunkMap extends CellFlatMap
CellChunkMap is an array of serialized representations of Cell (pointing to Chunks with full Cell data) and can be allocated both off-heap and on-heap. CellChunkMap is a byte array (chunk) holding all that is needed to access a Cell, which is actually saved on another deeper chunk. Per Cell we have a reference to this deeper byte array B (chunk ID, integer), offset in bytes in B (integer), length in bytes in B (integer) and seqID of the cell (long). In order to save reference to byte array we use the Chunk's ID given by ChunkCreator. The CellChunkMap memory layout on chunk A relevant to a deeper byte array B, holding the actual cell data: < header > <--------------- first Cell -----------------> <-- second Cell ... --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ... integer | integer | integer | integer | long | 4 bytes | 4 bytes | 4 bytes | 4 bytes | 8 bytes | ChunkID | chunkID of | offset in B | length of | sequence | ... of this | chunk B with | where Cell's | Cell's | ID of | chunk A | Cell data | data starts | data in B | the Cell | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ...
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • CellChunkMap

      public CellChunkMap(Comparator<? super Cell> comparator, Chunk[] chunks, int min, int max, boolean descending)
      C-tor for creating CellChunkMap from existing Chunk array, which must be ordered (decreasingly or increasingly according to parameter "descending")
      comparator - a tool for comparing cells
      chunks - ordered array of index chunk with cell representations
      min - the index of the first cell (usually 0)
      max - number of Cells or the index of the cell after the maximal cell
      descending - the order of the given array
  • Method Details