Interface Shipper

All Known Subinterfaces:
HFileScanner, KeyValueScanner
All Known Implementing Classes:
CollectionBackedScanner, HFileReaderImpl.EncodedScanner, HFileReaderImpl.HFileScannerImpl, KeyValueHeap, MobStoreScanner, NonLazyKeyValueScanner, NonReversedNonLazyKeyValueScanner, RegionScannerImpl, ReversedKeyValueHeap, ReversedMobStoreScanner, ReversedRegionScannerImpl, ReversedStoreScanner, SegmentScanner, SnapshotSegmentScanner, StoreFileScanner, StoreScanner

@LimitedPrivate("Coprocesssor") public interface Shipper
This interface denotes a scanner as one which can ship cells. Scan operation do many RPC requests to server and fetch N rows/RPC. These are then shipped to client. At the end of every such batch shipped() will get called.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Called after a batch of rows scanned and set to be returned to client.
  • Method Details

    • shipped

      void shipped() throws IOException
      Called after a batch of rows scanned and set to be returned to client. Any in between cleanup can be done here.