Class BulkLoadHFiles.LoadQueueItem

Direct Known Subclasses:
Enclosing interface:

@Public public static class BulkLoadHFiles.LoadQueueItem extends Object
Represents an HFile waiting to be loaded. An queue is used in this class in order to support the case where a region has split during the process of the load. When this happens, the HFile is split into two physical parts across the new region boundary, and each part is added back into the queue. The import process finishes when the queue is empty.
  • Field Details

    • family

      private final byte[] family
    • hfilePath

      private final org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path hfilePath
  • Constructor Details

    • LoadQueueItem

      public LoadQueueItem(byte[] family, org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path hfilePath)
  • Method Details