Class MetricSampleQuantiles


@Private public class MetricSampleQuantiles extends Object
Implementation of the Cormode, Korn, Muthukrishnan, and Srivastava algorithm for streaming calculation of targeted high-percentile epsilon-approximate quantiles. This is a generalization of the earlier work by Greenwald and Khanna (GK), which essentially allows different error bounds on the targeted quantiles, which allows for far more efficient calculation of high-percentiles. See: Cormode, Korn, Muthukrishnan, and Srivastava "Effective Computation of Biased Quantiles over Data Streams" in ICDE 2005 Greenwald and Khanna, "Space-efficient online computation of quantile summaries" in SIGMOD 2001
  • Nested Class Summary

    Nested Classes
    Modifier and Type
    private static class 
    Describes a measured value passed to the estimator, tracking additional metadata required by the CKMS algorithm.
  • Field Summary

    Modifier and Type
    private long[]
    Buffers incoming items to be inserted in batch.
    private int
    private long
    Total number of items in stream
    private final MetricQuantile[]
    Array of Quantiles that we care about, along with desired error.
    Current list of sampled items, maintained in sorted order with error bounds
  • Constructor Summary

  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    private double
    allowableError(int rank)
    Specifies the allowable error for this rank, depending on which quantiles are being targeted.
    Resets the estimator, clearing out all previously inserted items
    private void
    Try to remove extraneous items from the set of sampled items.
    Returns the number of items that the estimator has processed
    Returns the number of samples kept by the estimator
    insert(long v)
    Add a new value from the stream.
    private void
    Merges items from buffer into the samples array in one pass.
    private long
    query(double quantile)
    Get the estimated value at the specified quantile.
    Get a snapshot of the current values of all the tracked quantiles.

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
  • Field Details

    • count

      private long count
      Total number of items in stream
    • samples

      Current list of sampled items, maintained in sorted order with error bounds
    • buffer

      private long[] buffer
      Buffers incoming items to be inserted in batch. Items are inserted into the buffer linearly. When the buffer fills, it is flushed into the samples array in its entirety.
    • bufferCount

      private int bufferCount
    • quantiles

      private final MetricQuantile[] quantiles
      Array of Quantiles that we care about, along with desired error.
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • allowableError

      private double allowableError(int rank)
      Specifies the allowable error for this rank, depending on which quantiles are being targeted. This is the f(r_i, n) function from the CKMS paper. It's basically how wide the range of this rank can be. the index in the list of samples
    • insert

      public void insert(long v)
      Add a new value from the stream.
      v - the value to insert
    • insertBatch

      private void insertBatch()
      Merges items from buffer into the samples array in one pass. This is more efficient than doing an insert on every item.
    • compress

      private void compress()
      Try to remove extraneous items from the set of sampled items. This checks if an item is unnecessary based on the desired error bounds, and merges it with the adjacent item if it is.
    • query

      private long query(double quantile) throws IOException
      Get the estimated value at the specified quantile.
      quantile - Queried quantile, e.g. 0.50 or 0.99.
      Estimated value at that quantile.
    • snapshot

      Get a snapshot of the current values of all the tracked quantiles.
      snapshot of the tracked quantiles if no items have been added to the estimator
    • getCount

      public long getCount()
      Returns the number of items that the estimator has processed
      count total number of items processed
    • getSampleCount

      public int getSampleCount()
      Returns the number of samples kept by the estimator
      count current number of samples
    • clear

      public void clear()
      Resets the estimator, clearing out all previously inserted items