002 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
003 * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
004 * distributed with this work for additional information
005 * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
006 * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
007 * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
008 * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
009 *
010 *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
011 *
012 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
013 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
014 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
015 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
016 * limitations under the License.
017 */
018package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.backup.impl;
020import java.io.IOException;
021import java.util.ArrayList;
022import java.util.Collections;
023import java.util.HashMap;
024import java.util.HashSet;
025import java.util.List;
026import java.util.Map;
027import java.util.Set;
028import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;
029import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration;
030import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem;
031import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path;
032import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.TableName;
033import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.backup.BackupAdmin;
034import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.backup.BackupClientFactory;
035import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.backup.BackupInfo;
036import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.backup.BackupInfo.BackupState;
037import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.backup.BackupMergeJob;
038import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.backup.BackupRequest;
039import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.backup.BackupRestoreConstants;
040import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.backup.BackupRestoreFactory;
041import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.backup.BackupType;
042import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.backup.HBackupFileSystem;
043import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.backup.RestoreRequest;
044import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.backup.util.BackupSet;
045import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.backup.util.BackupUtils;
046import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Admin;
047import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Connection;
048import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.EnvironmentEdgeManager;
049import org.apache.yetus.audience.InterfaceAudience;
050import org.slf4j.Logger;
051import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
053import org.apache.hbase.thirdparty.com.google.common.collect.Lists;
056public class BackupAdminImpl implements BackupAdmin {
057  public final static String CHECK_OK = "Checking backup images: OK";
058  public final static String CHECK_FAILED =
059    "Checking backup images: Failed. Some dependencies are missing for restore";
060  private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(BackupAdminImpl.class);
062  private final Connection conn;
064  public BackupAdminImpl(Connection conn) {
065    this.conn = conn;
066  }
068  @Override
069  public void close() {
070  }
072  @Override
073  public BackupInfo getBackupInfo(String backupId) throws IOException {
074    BackupInfo backupInfo;
075    try (final BackupSystemTable table = new BackupSystemTable(conn)) {
076      if (backupId == null) {
077        ArrayList<BackupInfo> recentSessions = table.getBackupInfos(BackupState.RUNNING);
078        if (recentSessions.isEmpty()) {
079          LOG.warn("No ongoing sessions found.");
080          return null;
081        }
082        // else show status for ongoing session
083        // must be one maximum
084        return recentSessions.get(0);
085      } else {
086        backupInfo = table.readBackupInfo(backupId);
087        return backupInfo;
088      }
089    }
090  }
092  @Override
093  public int deleteBackups(String[] backupIds) throws IOException {
095    int totalDeleted = 0;
096    Map<String, HashSet<TableName>> allTablesMap = new HashMap<>();
098    boolean deleteSessionStarted;
099    boolean snapshotDone;
100    try (final BackupSystemTable sysTable = new BackupSystemTable(conn)) {
101      // Step 1: Make sure there is no active session
102      // is running by using startBackupSession API
103      // If there is an active session in progress, exception will be thrown
104      try {
105        sysTable.startBackupExclusiveOperation();
106        deleteSessionStarted = true;
107      } catch (IOException e) {
108        LOG.warn("You can not run delete command while active backup session is in progress. \n"
109          + "If there is no active backup session running, run backup repair utility to "
110          + "restore \nbackup system integrity.");
111        return -1;
112      }
114      // Step 2: Make sure there is no failed session
115      List<BackupInfo> list = sysTable.getBackupInfos(BackupState.RUNNING);
116      if (list.size() != 0) {
117        // ailed sessions found
118        LOG.warn("Failed backup session found. Run backup repair tool first.");
119        return -1;
120      }
122      // Step 3: Record delete session
123      sysTable.startDeleteOperation(backupIds);
124      // Step 4: Snapshot backup system table
125      if (!BackupSystemTable.snapshotExists(conn)) {
126        BackupSystemTable.snapshot(conn);
127      } else {
128        LOG.warn("Backup system table snapshot exists");
129      }
130      snapshotDone = true;
131      try {
132        for (int i = 0; i < backupIds.length; i++) {
133          BackupInfo info = sysTable.readBackupInfo(backupIds[i]);
134          if (info != null) {
135            String rootDir = info.getBackupRootDir();
136            HashSet<TableName> allTables = allTablesMap.get(rootDir);
137            if (allTables == null) {
138              allTables = new HashSet<>();
139              allTablesMap.put(rootDir, allTables);
140            }
141            allTables.addAll(info.getTableNames());
142            totalDeleted += deleteBackup(backupIds[i], sysTable);
143          }
144        }
145        finalizeDelete(allTablesMap, sysTable);
146        // Finish
147        sysTable.finishDeleteOperation();
148        // delete snapshot
149        BackupSystemTable.deleteSnapshot(conn);
150      } catch (IOException e) {
151        // Fail delete operation
152        // Step 1
153        if (snapshotDone) {
154          if (BackupSystemTable.snapshotExists(conn)) {
155            BackupSystemTable.restoreFromSnapshot(conn);
156            // delete snapshot
157            BackupSystemTable.deleteSnapshot(conn);
158            // We still have record with unfinished delete operation
159            LOG.error("Delete operation failed, please run backup repair utility to restore "
160              + "backup system integrity", e);
161            throw e;
162          } else {
163            LOG.warn("Delete operation succeeded, there were some errors: ", e);
164          }
165        }
167      } finally {
168        if (deleteSessionStarted) {
169          sysTable.finishBackupExclusiveOperation();
170        }
171      }
172    }
173    return totalDeleted;
174  }
176  /**
177   * Updates incremental backup set for every backupRoot
178   * @param tablesMap map [backupRoot: {@code Set<TableName>}]
179   * @param table     backup system table
180   * @throws IOException if a table operation fails
181   */
182  private void finalizeDelete(Map<String, HashSet<TableName>> tablesMap, BackupSystemTable table)
183    throws IOException {
184    for (String backupRoot : tablesMap.keySet()) {
185      Set<TableName> incrTableSet = table.getIncrementalBackupTableSet(backupRoot);
186      Map<TableName, ArrayList<BackupInfo>> tableMap =
187        table.getBackupHistoryForTableSet(incrTableSet, backupRoot);
188      for (Map.Entry<TableName, ArrayList<BackupInfo>> entry : tableMap.entrySet()) {
189        if (entry.getValue() == null) {
190          // No more backups for a table
191          incrTableSet.remove(entry.getKey());
192        }
193      }
194      if (!incrTableSet.isEmpty()) {
195        table.addIncrementalBackupTableSet(incrTableSet, backupRoot);
196      } else { // empty
197        table.deleteIncrementalBackupTableSet(backupRoot);
198      }
199    }
200  }
202  /**
203   * Delete single backup and all related backups <br>
204   * Algorithm:<br>
205   * Backup type: FULL or INCREMENTAL <br>
206   * Is this last backup session for table T: YES or NO <br>
207   * For every table T from table list 'tables':<br>
208   * if(FULL, YES) deletes only physical data (PD) <br>
209   * if(FULL, NO), deletes PD, scans all newer backups and removes T from backupInfo,<br>
210   * until we either reach the most recent backup for T in the system or FULL backup<br>
211   * which includes T<br>
212   * if(INCREMENTAL, YES) deletes only physical data (PD) if(INCREMENTAL, NO) deletes physical data
213   * and for table T scans all backup images between last<br>
214   * FULL backup, which is older than the backup being deleted and the next FULL backup (if exists)
215   * <br>
216   * or last one for a particular table T and removes T from list of backup tables.
217   * @param backupId backup id
218   * @param sysTable backup system table
219   * @return total number of deleted backup images
220   * @throws IOException if deleting the backup fails
221   */
222  private int deleteBackup(String backupId, BackupSystemTable sysTable) throws IOException {
223    BackupInfo backupInfo = sysTable.readBackupInfo(backupId);
225    int totalDeleted = 0;
226    if (backupInfo != null) {
227      LOG.info("Deleting backup " + backupInfo.getBackupId() + " ...");
228      // Step 1: clean up data for backup session (idempotent)
229      BackupUtils.cleanupBackupData(backupInfo, conn.getConfiguration());
230      // List of tables in this backup;
231      List<TableName> tables = backupInfo.getTableNames();
232      long startTime = backupInfo.getStartTs();
233      for (TableName tn : tables) {
234        boolean isLastBackupSession = isLastBackupSession(sysTable, tn, startTime);
235        if (isLastBackupSession) {
236          continue;
237        }
238        // else
239        List<BackupInfo> affectedBackups = getAffectedBackupSessions(backupInfo, tn, sysTable);
240        for (BackupInfo info : affectedBackups) {
241          if (info.equals(backupInfo)) {
242            continue;
243          }
244          removeTableFromBackupImage(info, tn, sysTable);
245        }
246      }
247      Map<byte[], String> map = sysTable.readBulkLoadedFiles(backupId);
248      FileSystem fs = FileSystem.get(conn.getConfiguration());
249      boolean success = true;
250      int numDeleted = 0;
251      for (String f : map.values()) {
252        Path p = new Path(f);
253        try {
254          LOG.debug("Delete backup info " + p + " for " + backupInfo.getBackupId());
255          if (!fs.delete(p)) {
256            if (fs.exists(p)) {
257              LOG.warn(f + " was not deleted");
258              success = false;
259            }
260          } else {
261            numDeleted++;
262          }
263        } catch (IOException ioe) {
264          LOG.warn(f + " was not deleted", ioe);
265          success = false;
266        }
267      }
268      if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
269        LOG.debug(numDeleted + " bulk loaded files out of " + map.size() + " were deleted");
270      }
271      if (success) {
272        sysTable.deleteBulkLoadedRows(new ArrayList<>(map.keySet()));
273      }
275      sysTable.deleteBackupInfo(backupInfo.getBackupId());
276      LOG.info("Delete backup " + backupInfo.getBackupId() + " completed.");
277      totalDeleted++;
278    } else {
279      LOG.warn("Delete backup failed: no information found for backupID=" + backupId);
280    }
281    return totalDeleted;
282  }
284  private void removeTableFromBackupImage(BackupInfo info, TableName tn, BackupSystemTable sysTable)
285    throws IOException {
286    List<TableName> tables = info.getTableNames();
287    LOG.debug(
288      "Remove " + tn + " from " + info.getBackupId() + " tables=" + info.getTableListAsString());
289    if (tables.contains(tn)) {
290      tables.remove(tn);
292      if (tables.isEmpty()) {
293        LOG.debug("Delete backup info " + info.getBackupId());
295        sysTable.deleteBackupInfo(info.getBackupId());
296        // Idempotent operation
297        BackupUtils.cleanupBackupData(info, conn.getConfiguration());
298      } else {
299        info.setTables(tables);
300        sysTable.updateBackupInfo(info);
301        // Now, clean up directory for table (idempotent)
302        cleanupBackupDir(info, tn, conn.getConfiguration());
303      }
304    }
305  }
307  private List<BackupInfo> getAffectedBackupSessions(BackupInfo backupInfo, TableName tn,
308    BackupSystemTable table) throws IOException {
309    LOG.debug("GetAffectedBackupInfos for: " + backupInfo.getBackupId() + " table=" + tn);
310    long ts = backupInfo.getStartTs();
311    List<BackupInfo> list = new ArrayList<>();
312    List<BackupInfo> history = table.getBackupHistory(backupInfo.getBackupRootDir());
313    // Scan from most recent to backupInfo
314    // break when backupInfo reached
315    for (BackupInfo info : history) {
316      if (info.getStartTs() == ts) {
317        break;
318      }
319      List<TableName> tables = info.getTableNames();
320      if (tables.contains(tn)) {
321        BackupType bt = info.getType();
322        if (bt == BackupType.FULL) {
323          // Clear list if we encounter FULL backup
324          list.clear();
325        } else {
326          LOG.debug("GetAffectedBackupInfos for: " + backupInfo.getBackupId() + " table=" + tn
327            + " added " + info.getBackupId() + " tables=" + info.getTableListAsString());
328          list.add(info);
329        }
330      }
331    }
332    return list;
333  }
335  /**
336   * Clean up the data at target directory
337   * @throws IOException if cleaning up the backup directory fails
338   */
339  private void cleanupBackupDir(BackupInfo backupInfo, TableName table, Configuration conf)
340    throws IOException {
341    try {
342      // clean up the data at target directory
343      String targetDir = backupInfo.getBackupRootDir();
344      if (targetDir == null) {
345        LOG.warn("No target directory specified for " + backupInfo.getBackupId());
346        return;
347      }
349      FileSystem outputFs = FileSystem.get(new Path(backupInfo.getBackupRootDir()).toUri(), conf);
351      Path targetDirPath = new Path(BackupUtils.getTableBackupDir(backupInfo.getBackupRootDir(),
352        backupInfo.getBackupId(), table));
353      if (outputFs.delete(targetDirPath, true)) {
354        LOG.info("Cleaning up backup data at " + targetDirPath.toString() + " done.");
355      } else {
356        LOG.info("No data has been found in " + targetDirPath.toString() + ".");
357      }
358    } catch (IOException e1) {
359      LOG.error("Cleaning up backup data of " + backupInfo.getBackupId() + " for table " + table
360        + "at " + backupInfo.getBackupRootDir() + " failed due to " + e1.getMessage() + ".");
361      throw e1;
362    }
363  }
365  private boolean isLastBackupSession(BackupSystemTable table, TableName tn, long startTime)
366    throws IOException {
367    List<BackupInfo> history = table.getBackupHistory();
368    for (BackupInfo info : history) {
369      List<TableName> tables = info.getTableNames();
370      if (!tables.contains(tn)) {
371        continue;
372      }
373      return info.getStartTs() <= startTime;
374    }
375    return false;
376  }
378  @Override
379  public List<BackupInfo> getHistory(int n) throws IOException {
380    try (final BackupSystemTable table = new BackupSystemTable(conn)) {
381      List<BackupInfo> history = table.getBackupHistory();
383      if (history.size() <= n) {
384        return history;
385      }
387      List<BackupInfo> list = new ArrayList<>();
388      for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
389        list.add(history.get(i));
390      }
391      return list;
392    }
393  }
395  @Override
396  public List<BackupInfo> getHistory(int n, BackupInfo.Filter... filters) throws IOException {
397    if (filters.length == 0) {
398      return getHistory(n);
399    }
401    try (final BackupSystemTable table = new BackupSystemTable(conn)) {
402      List<BackupInfo> history = table.getBackupHistory();
403      List<BackupInfo> result = new ArrayList<>();
404      for (BackupInfo bi : history) {
405        if (result.size() == n) {
406          break;
407        }
409        boolean passed = true;
410        for (int i = 0; i < filters.length; i++) {
411          if (!filters[i].apply(bi)) {
412            passed = false;
413            break;
414          }
415        }
416        if (passed) {
417          result.add(bi);
418        }
419      }
420      return result;
421    }
422  }
424  @Override
425  public List<BackupSet> listBackupSets() throws IOException {
426    try (final BackupSystemTable table = new BackupSystemTable(conn)) {
427      List<String> list = table.listBackupSets();
428      List<BackupSet> bslist = new ArrayList<>();
429      for (String s : list) {
430        List<TableName> tables = table.describeBackupSet(s);
431        if (tables != null) {
432          bslist.add(new BackupSet(s, tables));
433        }
434      }
435      return bslist;
436    }
437  }
439  @Override
440  public BackupSet getBackupSet(String name) throws IOException {
441    try (final BackupSystemTable table = new BackupSystemTable(conn)) {
442      List<TableName> list = table.describeBackupSet(name);
444      if (list == null) {
445        return null;
446      }
448      return new BackupSet(name, list);
449    }
450  }
452  @Override
453  public boolean deleteBackupSet(String name) throws IOException {
454    try (final BackupSystemTable table = new BackupSystemTable(conn)) {
455      if (table.describeBackupSet(name) == null) {
456        return false;
457      }
458      table.deleteBackupSet(name);
459      return true;
460    }
461  }
463  @Override
464  public void addToBackupSet(String name, TableName[] tables) throws IOException {
465    String[] tableNames = new String[tables.length];
466    try (final BackupSystemTable table = new BackupSystemTable(conn);
467      final Admin admin = conn.getAdmin()) {
468      for (int i = 0; i < tables.length; i++) {
469        tableNames[i] = tables[i].getNameAsString();
470        if (!admin.tableExists(TableName.valueOf(tableNames[i]))) {
471          throw new IOException("Cannot add " + tableNames[i] + " because it doesn't exist");
472        }
473      }
474      table.addToBackupSet(name, tableNames);
475      LOG.info(
476        "Added tables [" + StringUtils.join(tableNames, " ") + "] to '" + name + "' backup set");
477    }
478  }
480  @Override
481  public void removeFromBackupSet(String name, TableName[] tables) throws IOException {
482    LOG.info("Removing tables [" + StringUtils.join(tables, " ") + "] from '" + name + "'");
483    try (final BackupSystemTable table = new BackupSystemTable(conn)) {
484      table.removeFromBackupSet(name, toStringArray(tables));
485      LOG.info(
486        "Removing tables [" + StringUtils.join(tables, " ") + "] from '" + name + "' completed.");
487    }
488  }
490  private String[] toStringArray(TableName[] list) {
491    String[] arr = new String[list.length];
492    for (int i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {
493      arr[i] = list[i].toString();
494    }
495    return arr;
496  }
498  @Override
499  public void restore(RestoreRequest request) throws IOException {
500    if (request.isCheck()) {
501      HashMap<TableName, BackupManifest> backupManifestMap = new HashMap<>();
502      // check and load backup image manifest for the tables
503      Path rootPath = new Path(request.getBackupRootDir());
504      String backupId = request.getBackupId();
505      TableName[] sTableArray = request.getFromTables();
506      HBackupFileSystem.checkImageManifestExist(backupManifestMap, sTableArray,
507        conn.getConfiguration(), rootPath, backupId);
509      // Check and validate the backup image and its dependencies
510      if (BackupUtils.validate(backupManifestMap, conn.getConfiguration())) {
511        LOG.info(CHECK_OK);
512      } else {
513        LOG.error(CHECK_FAILED);
514      }
515      return;
516    }
517    // Execute restore request
518    new RestoreTablesClient(conn, request).execute();
519  }
521  @Override
522  public String backupTables(BackupRequest request) throws IOException {
523    BackupType type = request.getBackupType();
524    String targetRootDir = request.getTargetRootDir();
525    List<TableName> tableList = request.getTableList();
527    String backupId = BackupRestoreConstants.BACKUPID_PREFIX + EnvironmentEdgeManager.currentTime();
528    if (type == BackupType.INCREMENTAL) {
529      Set<TableName> incrTableSet;
530      try (BackupSystemTable table = new BackupSystemTable(conn)) {
531        incrTableSet = table.getIncrementalBackupTableSet(targetRootDir);
532      }
534      if (incrTableSet.isEmpty()) {
535        String msg =
536          "Incremental backup table set contains no tables. " + "You need to run full backup first "
537            + (tableList != null ? "on " + StringUtils.join(tableList, ",") : "");
539        throw new IOException(msg);
540      }
541      if (tableList != null) {
542        tableList.removeAll(incrTableSet);
543        if (!tableList.isEmpty()) {
544          String extraTables = StringUtils.join(tableList, ",");
545          String msg = "Some tables (" + extraTables + ") haven't gone through full backup. "
546            + "Perform full backup on " + extraTables + " first, " + "then retry the command";
547          throw new IOException(msg);
548        }
549      }
550      tableList = Lists.newArrayList(incrTableSet);
551    }
552    if (tableList != null && !tableList.isEmpty()) {
553      for (TableName table : tableList) {
554        String targetTableBackupDir =
555          HBackupFileSystem.getTableBackupDir(targetRootDir, backupId, table);
556        Path targetTableBackupDirPath = new Path(targetTableBackupDir);
557        FileSystem outputFs =
558          FileSystem.get(targetTableBackupDirPath.toUri(), conn.getConfiguration());
559        if (outputFs.exists(targetTableBackupDirPath)) {
560          throw new IOException(
561            "Target backup directory " + targetTableBackupDir + " exists already.");
562        }
563        outputFs.mkdirs(targetTableBackupDirPath);
564      }
565      ArrayList<TableName> nonExistingTableList = null;
566      try (Admin admin = conn.getAdmin()) {
567        for (TableName tableName : tableList) {
568          if (!admin.tableExists(tableName)) {
569            if (nonExistingTableList == null) {
570              nonExistingTableList = new ArrayList<>();
571            }
572            nonExistingTableList.add(tableName);
573          }
574        }
575      }
576      if (nonExistingTableList != null) {
577        if (type == BackupType.INCREMENTAL) {
578          // Update incremental backup set
579          tableList = excludeNonExistingTables(tableList, nonExistingTableList);
580        } else {
581          // Throw exception only in full mode - we try to backup non-existing table
582          throw new IOException(
583            "Non-existing tables found in the table list: " + nonExistingTableList);
584        }
585      }
586    }
588    // update table list
589    BackupRequest.Builder builder = new BackupRequest.Builder();
590    request = builder.withBackupType(request.getBackupType()).withTableList(tableList)
591      .withTargetRootDir(request.getTargetRootDir()).withBackupSetName(request.getBackupSetName())
592      .withTotalTasks(request.getTotalTasks()).withBandwidthPerTasks((int) request.getBandwidth())
593      .build();
595    TableBackupClient client;
596    try {
597      client = BackupClientFactory.create(conn, backupId, request);
598    } catch (IOException e) {
599      LOG.error("There is an active session already running");
600      throw e;
601    }
603    client.execute();
605    return backupId;
606  }
608  private List<TableName> excludeNonExistingTables(List<TableName> tableList,
609    List<TableName> nonExistingTableList) {
610    for (TableName table : nonExistingTableList) {
611      tableList.remove(table);
612    }
613    return tableList;
614  }
616  @Override
617  public void mergeBackups(String[] backupIds) throws IOException {
618    try (final BackupSystemTable sysTable = new BackupSystemTable(conn)) {
619      checkIfValidForMerge(backupIds, sysTable);
620      // TODO run job on remote cluster
621      BackupMergeJob job = BackupRestoreFactory.getBackupMergeJob(conn.getConfiguration());
622      job.run(backupIds);
623    }
624  }
626  /**
627   * Verifies that backup images are valid for merge.
628   * <ul>
629   * <li>All backups MUST be in the same destination
630   * <li>No FULL backups are allowed - only INCREMENTAL
631   * <li>All backups must be in COMPLETE state
632   * <li>No holes in backup list are allowed
633   * </ul>
634   * <p>
635   * @param backupIds list of backup ids
636   * @param table     backup system table
637   * @throws IOException if the backup image is not valid for merge
638   */
639  private void checkIfValidForMerge(String[] backupIds, BackupSystemTable table)
640    throws IOException {
641    String backupRoot = null;
643    final Set<TableName> allTables = new HashSet<>();
644    final Set<String> allBackups = new HashSet<>();
645    long minTime = Long.MAX_VALUE, maxTime = Long.MIN_VALUE;
646    for (String backupId : backupIds) {
647      BackupInfo bInfo = table.readBackupInfo(backupId);
648      if (bInfo == null) {
649        String msg = "Backup session " + backupId + " not found";
650        throw new IOException(msg);
651      }
652      if (backupRoot == null) {
653        backupRoot = bInfo.getBackupRootDir();
654      } else if (!bInfo.getBackupRootDir().equals(backupRoot)) {
655        throw new IOException("Found different backup destinations in a list of a backup sessions "
656          + "\n1. " + backupRoot + "\n" + "2. " + bInfo.getBackupRootDir());
657      }
658      if (bInfo.getType() == BackupType.FULL) {
659        throw new IOException("FULL backup image can not be merged for: \n" + bInfo);
660      }
662      if (bInfo.getState() != BackupState.COMPLETE) {
663        throw new IOException("Backup image " + backupId
664          + " can not be merged becuase of its state: " + bInfo.getState());
665      }
666      allBackups.add(backupId);
667      allTables.addAll(bInfo.getTableNames());
668      long time = bInfo.getStartTs();
669      if (time < minTime) {
670        minTime = time;
671      }
672      if (time > maxTime) {
673        maxTime = time;
674      }
675    }
677    final long startRangeTime = minTime;
678    final long endRangeTime = maxTime;
679    final String backupDest = backupRoot;
680    // Check we have no 'holes' in backup id list
681    // Filter 1 : backupRoot
682    // Filter 2 : time range filter
683    // Filter 3 : table filter
684    BackupInfo.Filter destinationFilter = info -> info.getBackupRootDir().equals(backupDest);
686    BackupInfo.Filter timeRangeFilter = info -> {
687      long time = info.getStartTs();
688      return time >= startRangeTime && time <= endRangeTime;
689    };
691    BackupInfo.Filter tableFilter = info -> {
692      List<TableName> tables = info.getTableNames();
693      return !Collections.disjoint(allTables, tables);
694    };
696    BackupInfo.Filter typeFilter = info -> info.getType() == BackupType.INCREMENTAL;
697    BackupInfo.Filter stateFilter = info -> info.getState() == BackupState.COMPLETE;
699    List<BackupInfo> allInfos = table.getBackupHistory(-1, destinationFilter, timeRangeFilter,
700      tableFilter, typeFilter, stateFilter);
701    if (allInfos.size() != allBackups.size()) {
702      // Yes we have at least one hole in backup image sequence
703      List<String> missingIds = new ArrayList<>();
704      for (BackupInfo info : allInfos) {
705        if (allBackups.contains(info.getBackupId())) {
706          continue;
707        }
708        missingIds.add(info.getBackupId());
709      }
710      String errMsg =
711        "Sequence of backup ids has 'holes'. The following backup images must be added:"
712          + org.apache.hadoop.util.StringUtils.join(",", missingIds);
713      throw new IOException(errMsg);
714    }
715  }