002 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
003 * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
004 * distributed with this work for additional information
005 * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
006 * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
007 * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
008 * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
009 *
010 *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
011 *
012 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
013 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
014 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
015 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
016 * limitations under the License.
017 */
018package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.mob;
020import static org.apache.hadoop.hbase.regionserver.ScanType.COMPACT_DROP_DELETES;
021import static org.apache.hadoop.hbase.regionserver.ScanType.COMPACT_RETAIN_DELETES;
023import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
024import java.io.IOException;
025import java.io.InterruptedIOException;
026import java.util.ArrayList;
027import java.util.Date;
028import java.util.HashMap;
029import java.util.List;
030import java.util.Map;
031import java.util.Optional;
032import java.util.function.Consumer;
033import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration;
034import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileStatus;
035import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem;
036import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path;
037import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.Cell;
038import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.KeyValue;
039import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.PrivateCellUtil;
040import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.TableName;
041import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.regionserver.CellSink;
042import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.regionserver.HMobStore;
043import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.regionserver.HStore;
044import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.regionserver.HStoreFile;
045import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.regionserver.InternalScanner;
046import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.regionserver.KeyValueScanner;
047import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.regionserver.ScanInfo;
048import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.regionserver.ScanType;
049import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.regionserver.ScannerContext;
050import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.regionserver.ShipperListener;
051import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.regionserver.StoreFileScanner;
052import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.regionserver.StoreFileWriter;
053import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.regionserver.StoreScanner;
054import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.regionserver.compactions.CloseChecker;
055import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.regionserver.compactions.CompactionProgress;
056import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.regionserver.compactions.CompactionRequestImpl;
057import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.regionserver.compactions.DefaultCompactor;
058import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.regionserver.throttle.ThroughputControlUtil;
059import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.regionserver.throttle.ThroughputController;
060import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.security.User;
061import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.Bytes;
062import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.EnvironmentEdgeManager;
063import org.apache.yetus.audience.InterfaceAudience;
064import org.slf4j.Logger;
065import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
067import org.apache.hbase.thirdparty.com.google.common.collect.HashMultimap;
068import org.apache.hbase.thirdparty.com.google.common.collect.ImmutableSetMultimap;
069import org.apache.hbase.thirdparty.com.google.common.collect.Lists;
070import org.apache.hbase.thirdparty.com.google.common.collect.SetMultimap;
073 * Compact passed set of files in the mob-enabled column family.
074 */
076public class DefaultMobStoreCompactor extends DefaultCompactor {
078  private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(DefaultMobStoreCompactor.class);
079  protected long mobSizeThreshold;
080  protected HMobStore mobStore;
081  protected boolean ioOptimizedMode = false;
083  /*
084   * MOB file reference set thread local variable. It contains set of a MOB file names, which newly
085   * compacted store file has references to. This variable is populated during compaction and the
086   * content of it is written into meta section of a newly created store file at the final step of
087   * compaction process.
088   */
090  static ThreadLocal<SetMultimap<TableName, String>> mobRefSet =
091    ThreadLocal.withInitial(HashMultimap::create);
093  /*
094   * Is it user or system-originated request.
095   */
097  static ThreadLocal<Boolean> userRequest = new ThreadLocal<Boolean>() {
098    @Override
099    protected Boolean initialValue() {
100      return Boolean.FALSE;
101    }
102  };
104  /*
105   * Disable IO mode. IO mode can be forcefully disabled if compactor finds old MOB file
106   * (pre-distributed compaction). This means that migration has not been completed yet. During data
107   * migration (upgrade) process only general compaction is allowed.
108   */
110  static ThreadLocal<Boolean> disableIO = new ThreadLocal<Boolean>() {
112    @Override
113    protected Boolean initialValue() {
114      return Boolean.FALSE;
115    }
116  };
118  /*
119   * Map : MOB file name - file length Can be expensive for large amount of MOB files.
120   */
121  static ThreadLocal<HashMap<String, Long>> mobLengthMap =
122    new ThreadLocal<HashMap<String, Long>>() {
123      @Override
124      protected HashMap<String, Long> initialValue() {
125        return new HashMap<String, Long>();
126      }
127    };
129  private final InternalScannerFactory scannerFactory = new InternalScannerFactory() {
131    @Override
132    public ScanType getScanType(CompactionRequestImpl request) {
133      return request.isAllFiles() ? COMPACT_DROP_DELETES : COMPACT_RETAIN_DELETES;
134    }
136    @Override
137    public InternalScanner createScanner(ScanInfo scanInfo, List<StoreFileScanner> scanners,
138      ScanType scanType, FileDetails fd, long smallestReadPoint) throws IOException {
139      return new StoreScanner(store, scanInfo, scanners, scanType, smallestReadPoint,
140        fd.earliestPutTs);
141    }
142  };
144  private final CellSinkFactory<StoreFileWriter> writerFactory =
145    new CellSinkFactory<StoreFileWriter>() {
146      @Override
147      public StoreFileWriter createWriter(InternalScanner scanner,
148        org.apache.hadoop.hbase.regionserver.compactions.Compactor.FileDetails fd,
149        boolean shouldDropBehind, boolean major, Consumer<Path> writerCreationTracker)
150        throws IOException {
151        // make this writer with tags always because of possible new cells with tags.
152        return store.getStoreEngine()
153          .createWriter(createParams(fd, shouldDropBehind, major, writerCreationTracker)
154            .includeMVCCReadpoint(true).includesTag(true));
155      }
156    };
158  public DefaultMobStoreCompactor(Configuration conf, HStore store) {
159    super(conf, store);
160    // The mob cells reside in the mob-enabled column family which is held by HMobStore.
161    // During the compaction, the compactor reads the cells from the mob files and
162    // probably creates new mob files. All of these operations are included in HMobStore,
163    // so we need to cast the Store to HMobStore.
164    if (!(store instanceof HMobStore)) {
165      throw new IllegalArgumentException("The store " + store + " is not a HMobStore");
166    }
167    this.mobStore = (HMobStore) store;
168    this.mobSizeThreshold = store.getColumnFamilyDescriptor().getMobThreshold();
169    this.ioOptimizedMode =
170      conf.get(MobConstants.MOB_COMPACTION_TYPE_KEY, MobConstants.DEFAULT_MOB_COMPACTION_TYPE)
171        .equals(MobConstants.OPTIMIZED_MOB_COMPACTION_TYPE);
173  }
175  @Override
176  public List<Path> compact(CompactionRequestImpl request,
177    ThroughputController throughputController, User user) throws IOException {
178    String tableName = store.getTableName().toString();
179    String regionName = store.getRegionInfo().getRegionNameAsString();
180    String familyName = store.getColumnFamilyName();
181    LOG.info(
182      "MOB compaction: major={} isAll={} priority={} throughput controller={}"
183        + " table={} cf={} region={}",
184      request.isMajor(), request.isAllFiles(), request.getPriority(), throughputController,
185      tableName, familyName, regionName);
186    if (request.getPriority() == HStore.PRIORITY_USER) {
187      userRequest.set(Boolean.TRUE);
188    } else {
189      userRequest.set(Boolean.FALSE);
190    }
191    LOG.debug("MOB compaction table={} cf={} region={} files: {}", tableName, familyName,
192      regionName, request.getFiles());
193    // Check if I/O optimized MOB compaction
194    if (ioOptimizedMode) {
195      if (request.isMajor() && request.getPriority() == HStore.PRIORITY_USER) {
196        try {
197          final SetMultimap<TableName, String> mobRefs = request.getFiles().stream().map(file -> {
198            byte[] value = file.getMetadataValue(HStoreFile.MOB_FILE_REFS);
199            ImmutableSetMultimap.Builder<TableName, String> builder;
200            if (value == null) {
201              builder = ImmutableSetMultimap.builder();
202            } else {
203              try {
204                builder = MobUtils.deserializeMobFileRefs(value);
205              } catch (RuntimeException exception) {
206                throw new RuntimeException("failure getting mob references for hfile " + file,
207                  exception);
208              }
209            }
210            return builder;
211          }).reduce((a, b) -> a.putAll(b.build())).orElseGet(ImmutableSetMultimap::builder).build();
212          // reset disableIO
213          disableIO.set(Boolean.FALSE);
214          if (!mobRefs.isEmpty()) {
215            calculateMobLengthMap(mobRefs);
216          }
217          LOG.info(
218            "Table={} cf={} region={}. I/O optimized MOB compaction. "
219              + "Total referenced MOB files: {}",
220            tableName, familyName, regionName, mobRefs.size());
221        } catch (RuntimeException exception) {
222          throw new IOException("Failed to get list of referenced hfiles for request " + request,
223            exception);
224        }
225      }
226    }
228    return compact(request, scannerFactory, writerFactory, throughputController, user);
229  }
231  /**
232   * @param mobRefs multimap of original table name -> mob hfile
233   */
234  private void calculateMobLengthMap(SetMultimap<TableName, String> mobRefs) throws IOException {
235    FileSystem fs = store.getFileSystem();
236    HashMap<String, Long> map = mobLengthMap.get();
237    map.clear();
238    for (Map.Entry<TableName, String> reference : mobRefs.entries()) {
239      final TableName table = reference.getKey();
240      final String mobfile = reference.getValue();
241      if (MobFileName.isOldMobFileName(mobfile)) {
242        disableIO.set(Boolean.TRUE);
243      }
244      List<Path> locations = mobStore.getLocations(table);
245      for (Path p : locations) {
246        try {
247          FileStatus st = fs.getFileStatus(new Path(p, mobfile));
248          long size = st.getLen();
249          LOG.debug("Referenced MOB file={} size={}", mobfile, size);
250          map.put(mobfile, size);
251          break;
252        } catch (FileNotFoundException exception) {
253          LOG.debug("Mob file {} was not in location {}. May have other locations to try.", mobfile,
254            p);
255        }
256      }
257      if (!map.containsKey(mobfile)) {
258        throw new FileNotFoundException("Could not find mob file " + mobfile + " in the list of "
259          + "expected locations: " + locations);
260      }
262    }
263  }
265  /**
266   * Performs compaction on a column family with the mob flag enabled. This works only when MOB
267   * compaction is explicitly requested (by User), or by Master There are two modes of a MOB
268   * compaction:<br>
269   * <p>
270   * <ul>
271   * <li>1. Full mode - when all MOB data for a region is compacted into a single MOB file.
272   * <li>2. I/O optimized mode - for use cases with no or infrequent updates/deletes of a <br>
273   * MOB data. The main idea behind i/o optimized compaction is to limit maximum size of a MOB file
274   * produced during compaction and to limit I/O write/read amplification.
275   * </ul>
276   * The basic algorithm of compaction is the following: <br>
277   * 1. If the Put cell has a mob reference tag, the cell's value is the path of the mob file.
278   * <ol>
279   * <li>If the value size of a cell is larger than the threshold, this cell is regarded as a mob,
280   * directly copy the (with mob tag) cell into the new store file.</li>
281   * <li>Otherwise, retrieve the mob cell from the mob file, and writes a copy of the cell into the
282   * new store file.</li>
283   * </ol>
284   * 2. If the Put cell doesn't have a reference tag.
285   * <ol>
286   * <li>If the value size of a cell is larger than the threshold, this cell is regarded as a mob,
287   * write this cell to a mob file, and write the path of this mob file to the store file.</li>
288   * <li>Otherwise, directly write this cell into the store file.</li>
289   * </ol>
290   * @param fd                   File details
291   * @param scanner              Where to read from.
292   * @param writer               Where to write to.
293   * @param smallestReadPoint    Smallest read point.
294   * @param cleanSeqId           When true, remove seqId(used to be mvcc) value which is <=
295   *                             smallestReadPoint
296   * @param throughputController The compaction throughput controller.
297   * @param request              compaction request.
298   * @param progress             Progress reporter.
299   * @return Whether compaction ended; false if it was interrupted for any reason.
300   */
301  @Override
302  protected boolean performCompaction(FileDetails fd, InternalScanner scanner, CellSink writer,
303    long smallestReadPoint, boolean cleanSeqId, ThroughputController throughputController,
304    CompactionRequestImpl request, CompactionProgress progress) throws IOException {
305    long bytesWrittenProgressForLog = 0;
306    long bytesWrittenProgressForShippedCall = 0;
307    // Clear old mob references
308    mobRefSet.get().clear();
309    boolean isUserRequest = userRequest.get();
310    boolean major = request.isAllFiles();
311    boolean compactMOBs = major && isUserRequest;
312    boolean discardMobMiss = conf.getBoolean(MobConstants.MOB_UNSAFE_DISCARD_MISS_KEY,
313      MobConstants.DEFAULT_MOB_DISCARD_MISS);
314    if (discardMobMiss) {
315      LOG.warn("{}=true. This is unsafe setting recommended only when first upgrading to a version"
316        + " with the distributed mob compaction feature on a cluster that has experienced MOB data "
317        + "corruption.", MobConstants.MOB_UNSAFE_DISCARD_MISS_KEY);
318    }
319    long maxMobFileSize = conf.getLong(MobConstants.MOB_COMPACTION_MAX_FILE_SIZE_KEY,
321    boolean ioOptimizedMode = this.ioOptimizedMode && !disableIO.get();
322    LOG.info(
323      "Compact MOB={} optimized configured={} optimized enabled={} maximum MOB file size={}"
324        + " major={} store={}",
325      compactMOBs, this.ioOptimizedMode, ioOptimizedMode, maxMobFileSize, major, getStoreInfo());
326    // Since scanner.next() can return 'false' but still be delivering data,
327    // we have to use a do/while loop.
328    List<Cell> cells = new ArrayList<>();
329    // Limit to "hbase.hstore.compaction.kv.max" (default 10) to avoid OOME
330    long currentTime = EnvironmentEdgeManager.currentTime();
331    long lastMillis = 0;
332    if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
333      lastMillis = currentTime;
334    }
335    CloseChecker closeChecker = new CloseChecker(conf, currentTime);
336    String compactionName = ThroughputControlUtil.getNameForThrottling(store, "compaction");
337    long now = 0;
338    boolean hasMore;
339    byte[] fileName = null;
340    StoreFileWriter mobFileWriter = null;
341    /*
342     * mobCells are used only to decide if we need to commit or abort current MOB output file.
343     */
344    long mobCells = 0;
345    long cellsCountCompactedToMob = 0, cellsCountCompactedFromMob = 0;
346    long cellsSizeCompactedToMob = 0, cellsSizeCompactedFromMob = 0;
347    boolean finished = false;
349    ScannerContext scannerContext = ScannerContext.newBuilder().setBatchLimit(compactionKVMax)
350      .setSizeLimit(ScannerContext.LimitScope.BETWEEN_CELLS, Long.MAX_VALUE, Long.MAX_VALUE,
351        compactScannerSizeLimit)
352      .build();
353    throughputController.start(compactionName);
354    KeyValueScanner kvs = (scanner instanceof KeyValueScanner) ? (KeyValueScanner) scanner : null;
355    long shippedCallSizeLimit =
356      (long) request.getFiles().size() * this.store.getColumnFamilyDescriptor().getBlocksize();
358    Cell mobCell = null;
359    List<String> committedMobWriterFileNames = new ArrayList<>();
360    try {
362      mobFileWriter = newMobWriter(fd, major, request.getWriterCreationTracker());
363      fileName = Bytes.toBytes(mobFileWriter.getPath().getName());
365      do {
366        hasMore = scanner.next(cells, scannerContext);
367        now = EnvironmentEdgeManager.currentTime();
368        for (Cell c : cells) {
369          if (compactMOBs) {
370            if (MobUtils.isMobReferenceCell(c)) {
371              String fName = MobUtils.getMobFileName(c);
372              // Added to support migration
373              try {
374                mobCell = mobStore.resolve(c, true, false).getCell();
375              } catch (FileNotFoundException fnfe) {
376                if (discardMobMiss) {
377                  LOG.error("Missing MOB cell: file={} not found cell={}", fName, c);
378                  continue;
379                } else {
380                  throw fnfe;
381                }
382              }
384              if (discardMobMiss && mobCell.getValueLength() == 0) {
385                LOG.error("Missing MOB cell value: file={} mob cell={} cell={}", fName, mobCell, c);
386                continue;
387              } else if (mobCell.getValueLength() == 0) {
388                String errMsg =
389                  String.format("Found 0 length MOB cell in a file=%s mob cell=%s " + " cell=%s",
390                    fName, mobCell, c);
391                throw new IOException(errMsg);
392              }
394              if (mobCell.getValueLength() > mobSizeThreshold) {
395                // put the mob data back to the MOB store file
396                PrivateCellUtil.setSequenceId(mobCell, c.getSequenceId());
397                if (!ioOptimizedMode) {
398                  mobFileWriter.append(mobCell);
399                  mobCells++;
400                  writer.append(
401                    MobUtils.createMobRefCell(mobCell, fileName, this.mobStore.getRefCellTags()));
402                } else {
403                  // I/O optimized mode
404                  // Check if MOB cell origin file size is
405                  // greater than threshold
406                  Long size = mobLengthMap.get().get(fName);
407                  if (size == null) {
408                    // FATAL error (we should never get here though), abort compaction
409                    // This error means that meta section of store file does not contain
410                    // MOB file, which has references in at least one cell from this store file
411                    String msg = String.format(
412                      "Found an unexpected MOB file during compaction %s, aborting compaction %s",
413                      fName, getStoreInfo());
414                    throw new IOException(msg);
415                  }
416                  // Can not be null
417                  if (size < maxMobFileSize) {
418                    // If MOB cell origin file is below threshold
419                    // it is get compacted
420                    mobFileWriter.append(mobCell);
421                    // Update number of mobCells in a current mob writer
422                    mobCells++;
423                    writer.append(
424                      MobUtils.createMobRefCell(mobCell, fileName, this.mobStore.getRefCellTags()));
425                    // Update total size of the output (we do not take into account
426                    // file compression yet)
427                    long len = mobFileWriter.getPos();
428                    if (len > maxMobFileSize) {
429                      LOG.debug("Closing output MOB File, length={} file={}, store={}", len,
430                        mobFileWriter.getPath().getName(), getStoreInfo());
431                      mobFileWriter = switchToNewMobWriter(mobFileWriter, fd, mobCells, major,
432                        request, committedMobWriterFileNames);
433                      fileName = Bytes.toBytes(mobFileWriter.getPath().getName());
434                      mobCells = 0;
435                    }
436                  } else {
437                    // We leave large MOB file as is (is not compacted),
438                    // then we update set of MOB file references
439                    // and append mob cell directly to the store's writer
440                    Optional<TableName> refTable = MobUtils.getTableName(c);
441                    if (refTable.isPresent()) {
442                      mobRefSet.get().put(refTable.get(), fName);
443                      writer.append(c);
444                    } else {
445                      throw new IOException(String.format("MOB cell did not contain a tablename "
446                        + "tag. should not be possible. see ref guide on mob troubleshooting. "
447                        + "store=%s cell=%s", getStoreInfo(), c));
448                    }
449                  }
450                }
451              } else {
452                // If MOB value is less than threshold, append it directly to a store file
453                PrivateCellUtil.setSequenceId(mobCell, c.getSequenceId());
454                writer.append(mobCell);
455                cellsCountCompactedFromMob++;
456                cellsSizeCompactedFromMob += mobCell.getValueLength();
457              }
458            } else {
459              // Not a MOB reference cell
460              int size = c.getValueLength();
461              if (size > mobSizeThreshold) {
462                // This MOB cell comes from a regular store file
463                // therefore we store it into original mob output
464                mobFileWriter.append(c);
465                writer
466                  .append(MobUtils.createMobRefCell(c, fileName, this.mobStore.getRefCellTags()));
467                mobCells++;
468                cellsCountCompactedToMob++;
469                cellsSizeCompactedToMob += c.getValueLength();
470                if (ioOptimizedMode) {
471                  // Update total size of the output (we do not take into account
472                  // file compression yet)
473                  long len = mobFileWriter.getPos();
474                  if (len > maxMobFileSize) {
475                    mobFileWriter = switchToNewMobWriter(mobFileWriter, fd, mobCells, major,
476                      request, committedMobWriterFileNames);
477                    fileName = Bytes.toBytes(mobFileWriter.getPath().getName());
478                    mobCells = 0;
479                  }
480                }
481              } else {
482                // Not a MOB cell, write it directly to a store file
483                writer.append(c);
484              }
485            }
486          } else if (c.getTypeByte() != KeyValue.Type.Put.getCode()) {
487            // Not a major compaction or major with MOB disabled
488            // If the kv type is not put, directly write the cell
489            // to the store file.
490            writer.append(c);
491          } else if (MobUtils.isMobReferenceCell(c)) {
492            // Not a major MOB compaction, Put MOB reference
493            if (MobUtils.hasValidMobRefCellValue(c)) {
494              // We do not check mobSizeThreshold during normal compaction,
495              // leaving it to a MOB compaction run
496              Optional<TableName> refTable = MobUtils.getTableName(c);
497              if (refTable.isPresent()) {
498                mobRefSet.get().put(refTable.get(), MobUtils.getMobFileName(c));
499                writer.append(c);
500              } else {
501                throw new IOException(String.format("MOB cell did not contain a tablename "
502                  + "tag. should not be possible. see ref guide on mob troubleshooting. "
503                  + "store=%s cell=%s", getStoreInfo(), c));
504              }
505            } else {
506              String errMsg = String.format("Corrupted MOB reference: %s", c.toString());
507              throw new IOException(errMsg);
508            }
509          } else if (c.getValueLength() <= mobSizeThreshold) {
510            // If the value size of a cell is not larger than the threshold, directly write it to
511            // the store file.
512            writer.append(c);
513          } else {
514            // If the value size of a cell is larger than the threshold, it's regarded as a mob,
515            // write this cell to a mob file, and write the path to the store file.
516            mobCells++;
517            // append the original keyValue in the mob file.
518            mobFileWriter.append(c);
519            Cell reference = MobUtils.createMobRefCell(c, fileName, this.mobStore.getRefCellTags());
520            // write the cell whose value is the path of a mob file to the store file.
521            writer.append(reference);
522            cellsCountCompactedToMob++;
523            cellsSizeCompactedToMob += c.getValueLength();
524            if (ioOptimizedMode) {
525              long len = mobFileWriter.getPos();
526              if (len > maxMobFileSize) {
527                mobFileWriter = switchToNewMobWriter(mobFileWriter, fd, mobCells, major, request,
528                  committedMobWriterFileNames);
529                fileName = Bytes.toBytes(mobFileWriter.getPath().getName());
530                mobCells = 0;
531              }
532            }
533          }
535          int len = c.getSerializedSize();
536          ++progress.currentCompactedKVs;
537          progress.totalCompactedSize += len;
538          bytesWrittenProgressForShippedCall += len;
539          if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
540            bytesWrittenProgressForLog += len;
541          }
542          throughputController.control(compactionName, len);
543          if (closeChecker.isSizeLimit(store, len)) {
544            progress.cancel();
545            return false;
546          }
547          if (kvs != null && bytesWrittenProgressForShippedCall > shippedCallSizeLimit) {
548            ((ShipperListener) writer).beforeShipped();
549            kvs.shipped();
550            bytesWrittenProgressForShippedCall = 0;
551          }
552        }
553        // Log the progress of long running compactions every minute if
554        // logging at DEBUG level
555        if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
556          if ((now - lastMillis) >= COMPACTION_PROGRESS_LOG_INTERVAL) {
557            String rate = String.format("%.2f",
558              (bytesWrittenProgressForLog / 1024.0) / ((now - lastMillis) / 1000.0));
559            LOG.debug("Compaction progress: {} {}, rate={} KB/sec, throughputController is {}",
560              compactionName, progress, rate, throughputController);
561            lastMillis = now;
562            bytesWrittenProgressForLog = 0;
563          }
564        }
565        cells.clear();
566      } while (hasMore);
567      // Commit last MOB writer
568      commitOrAbortMobWriter(mobFileWriter, fd.maxSeqId, mobCells, major);
569      finished = true;
570    } catch (InterruptedException e) {
571      progress.cancel();
572      throw new InterruptedIOException(
573        "Interrupted while control throughput of compacting " + compactionName);
574    } catch (IOException t) {
575      String msg = "Mob compaction failed for region: " + store.getRegionInfo().getEncodedName();
576      throw new IOException(msg, t);
577    } finally {
578      // Clone last cell in the final because writer will append last cell when committing. If
579      // don't clone here and once the scanner get closed, then the memory of last cell will be
580      // released. (HBASE-22582)
581      ((ShipperListener) writer).beforeShipped();
582      throughputController.finish(compactionName);
583      if (!finished && mobFileWriter != null) {
584        // Remove all MOB references because compaction failed
585        clearThreadLocals();
586        // Abort writer
587        LOG.debug("Aborting writer for {} because of a compaction failure, Store {}",
588          mobFileWriter.getPath(), getStoreInfo());
589        abortWriter(mobFileWriter);
590        deleteCommittedMobFiles(committedMobWriterFileNames);
591      }
592    }
594    mobStore.updateCellsCountCompactedFromMob(cellsCountCompactedFromMob);
595    mobStore.updateCellsCountCompactedToMob(cellsCountCompactedToMob);
596    mobStore.updateCellsSizeCompactedFromMob(cellsSizeCompactedFromMob);
597    mobStore.updateCellsSizeCompactedToMob(cellsSizeCompactedToMob);
598    progress.complete();
599    return true;
600  }
602  protected String getStoreInfo() {
603    return String.format("[table=%s family=%s region=%s]", store.getTableName().getNameAsString(),
604      store.getColumnFamilyName(), store.getRegionInfo().getEncodedName());
605  }
607  private void clearThreadLocals() {
608    mobRefSet.get().clear();
609    HashMap<String, Long> map = mobLengthMap.get();
610    if (map != null) {
611      map.clear();
612    }
613  }
615  private StoreFileWriter newMobWriter(FileDetails fd, boolean major,
616    Consumer<Path> writerCreationTracker) throws IOException {
617    try {
618      StoreFileWriter mobFileWriter = mobStore.getStoreEngine().requireWritingToTmpDirFirst()
619        ? mobStore.createWriterInTmp(new Date(fd.latestPutTs), fd.maxKeyCount,
620          major ? majorCompactionCompression : minorCompactionCompression,
621          store.getRegionInfo().getStartKey(), true)
622        : mobStore.createWriter(new Date(fd.latestPutTs), fd.maxKeyCount,
623          major ? majorCompactionCompression : minorCompactionCompression,
624          store.getRegionInfo().getStartKey(), true, writerCreationTracker);
625      LOG.debug("New MOB writer created={} store={}", mobFileWriter.getPath().getName(),
626        getStoreInfo());
627      // Add reference we get for compact MOB
628      mobRefSet.get().put(store.getTableName(), mobFileWriter.getPath().getName());
629      return mobFileWriter;
630    } catch (IOException e) {
631      // Bailing out
632      throw new IOException(String.format("Failed to create mob writer, store=%s", getStoreInfo()),
633        e);
634    }
635  }
637  private void commitOrAbortMobWriter(StoreFileWriter mobFileWriter, long maxSeqId, long mobCells,
638    boolean major) throws IOException {
639    // Commit or abort major mob writer
640    // If IOException happens during below operation, some
641    // MOB files can be committed partially, but corresponding
642    // store file won't be committed, therefore these MOB files
643    // become orphans and will be deleted during next MOB cleaning chore cycle
645    if (mobFileWriter != null) {
646      LOG.debug("Commit or abort size={} mobCells={} major={} file={}, store={}",
647        mobFileWriter.getPos(), mobCells, major, mobFileWriter.getPath().getName(), getStoreInfo());
648      Path path =
649        MobUtils.getMobFamilyPath(conf, store.getTableName(), store.getColumnFamilyName());
650      if (mobCells > 0) {
651        // If the mob file is not empty, commit it.
652        mobFileWriter.appendMetadata(maxSeqId, major, mobCells);
653        mobFileWriter.close();
654        mobStore.commitFile(mobFileWriter.getPath(), path);
655      } else {
656        // If the mob file is empty, delete it instead of committing.
657        LOG.debug("Aborting writer for {} because there are no MOB cells, store={}",
658          mobFileWriter.getPath(), getStoreInfo());
659        // Remove MOB file from reference set
660        mobRefSet.get().remove(store.getTableName(), mobFileWriter.getPath().getName());
661        abortWriter(mobFileWriter);
662      }
663    } else {
664      LOG.debug("Mob file writer is null, skipping commit/abort, store=", getStoreInfo());
665    }
666  }
668  @Override
669  protected List<Path> commitWriter(StoreFileWriter writer, FileDetails fd,
670    CompactionRequestImpl request) throws IOException {
671    List<Path> newFiles = Lists.newArrayList(writer.getPath());
672    writer.appendMetadata(fd.maxSeqId, request.isAllFiles(), request.getFiles());
673    writer.appendMobMetadata(mobRefSet.get());
674    writer.close();
675    clearThreadLocals();
676    return newFiles;
677  }
679  private StoreFileWriter switchToNewMobWriter(StoreFileWriter mobFileWriter, FileDetails fd,
680    long mobCells, boolean major, CompactionRequestImpl request,
681    List<String> committedMobWriterFileNames) throws IOException {
682    commitOrAbortMobWriter(mobFileWriter, fd.maxSeqId, mobCells, major);
683    committedMobWriterFileNames.add(mobFileWriter.getPath().getName());
684    return newMobWriter(fd, major, request.getWriterCreationTracker());
685  }
687  private void deleteCommittedMobFiles(List<String> fileNames) {
688    if (fileNames.isEmpty()) {
689      return;
690    }
691    Path mobColumnFamilyPath =
692      MobUtils.getMobFamilyPath(conf, store.getTableName(), store.getColumnFamilyName());
693    for (String fileName : fileNames) {
694      if (fileName == null) {
695        continue;
696      }
697      Path path = new Path(mobColumnFamilyPath, fileName);
698      try {
699        if (store.getFileSystem().exists(path)) {
700          store.getFileSystem().delete(path, false);
701        }
702      } catch (IOException e) {
703        LOG.warn("Failed to delete the mob file {} for an failed mob compaction.", path, e);
704      }
705    }
707  }