002 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
003 * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
004 * distributed with this work for additional information
005 * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
006 * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
007 * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
008 * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
009 *
010 *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
011 *
012 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
013 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
014 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
015 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
016 * limitations under the License.
017 */
018package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.quotas;
020import java.util.Arrays;
021import java.util.List;
022import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration;
023import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Mutation;
024import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Result;
025import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.ipc.RpcCall;
026import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.ipc.RpcServer;
027import org.apache.yetus.audience.InterfaceAudience;
028import org.apache.yetus.audience.InterfaceStability;
030import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.shaded.protobuf.generated.ClientProtos;
034public class DefaultOperationQuota implements OperationQuota {
036  // a single scan estimate can consume no more than this proportion of the limiter's limit
037  // this prevents a long-running scan from being estimated at, say, 100MB of IO against
038  // a <100MB/IO throttle (because this would never succeed)
039  private static final double MAX_SCAN_ESTIMATE_PROPORTIONAL_LIMIT_CONSUMPTION = 0.9;
041  protected final List<QuotaLimiter> limiters;
042  private final long writeCapacityUnit;
043  private final long readCapacityUnit;
045  // the available read/write quota size in bytes
046  protected long readAvailable = 0;
047  // estimated quota
048  protected long writeConsumed = 0;
049  protected long readConsumed = 0;
050  protected long writeCapacityUnitConsumed = 0;
051  protected long readCapacityUnitConsumed = 0;
052  // real consumed quota
053  private final long[] operationSize;
054  // difference between estimated quota and real consumed quota used in close method
055  // to adjust quota amount. Also used by ExceedOperationQuota which is a subclass
056  // of DefaultOperationQuota
057  protected long writeDiff = 0;
058  protected long readDiff = 0;
059  protected long writeCapacityUnitDiff = 0;
060  protected long readCapacityUnitDiff = 0;
061  private boolean useResultSizeBytes;
062  private long blockSizeBytes;
063  private long maxScanEstimate;
065  public DefaultOperationQuota(final Configuration conf, final int blockSizeBytes,
066    final QuotaLimiter... limiters) {
067    this(conf, Arrays.asList(limiters));
068    this.useResultSizeBytes =
069      conf.getBoolean(OperationQuota.USE_RESULT_SIZE_BYTES, USE_RESULT_SIZE_BYTES_DEFAULT);
070    this.blockSizeBytes = blockSizeBytes;
071    long readSizeLimit =
072      Arrays.stream(limiters).mapToLong(QuotaLimiter::getReadLimit).min().orElse(Long.MAX_VALUE);
073    maxScanEstimate = Math.round(MAX_SCAN_ESTIMATE_PROPORTIONAL_LIMIT_CONSUMPTION * readSizeLimit);
074  }
076  /**
077   * NOTE: The order matters. It should be something like [user, table, namespace, global]
078   */
079  public DefaultOperationQuota(final Configuration conf, final List<QuotaLimiter> limiters) {
080    this.writeCapacityUnit =
082    this.readCapacityUnit =
084    this.limiters = limiters;
085    int size = OperationType.values().length;
086    operationSize = new long[size];
088    for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
089      operationSize[i] = 0;
090    }
091  }
093  @Override
094  public void checkBatchQuota(int numWrites, int numReads) throws RpcThrottlingException {
095    updateEstimateConsumeBatchQuota(numWrites, numReads);
096    checkQuota(numWrites, numReads);
097  }
099  @Override
100  public void checkScanQuota(ClientProtos.ScanRequest scanRequest, long maxScannerResultSize,
101    long maxBlockBytesScanned, long prevBlockBytesScannedDifference) throws RpcThrottlingException {
102    updateEstimateConsumeScanQuota(scanRequest, maxScannerResultSize, maxBlockBytesScanned,
103      prevBlockBytesScannedDifference);
104    checkQuota(0, 1);
105  }
107  private void checkQuota(long numWrites, long numReads) throws RpcThrottlingException {
108    readAvailable = Long.MAX_VALUE;
109    for (final QuotaLimiter limiter : limiters) {
110      if (limiter.isBypass()) {
111        continue;
112      }
114      limiter.checkQuota(numWrites, writeConsumed, numReads, readConsumed,
115        writeCapacityUnitConsumed, readCapacityUnitConsumed);
116      readAvailable = Math.min(readAvailable, limiter.getReadAvailable());
117    }
119    for (final QuotaLimiter limiter : limiters) {
120      limiter.grabQuota(numWrites, writeConsumed, numReads, readConsumed, writeCapacityUnitConsumed,
121        readCapacityUnitConsumed);
122    }
123  }
125  @Override
126  public void close() {
127    // Adjust the quota consumed for the specified operation
128    writeDiff = operationSize[OperationType.MUTATE.ordinal()] - writeConsumed;
130    long resultSize =
131      operationSize[OperationType.GET.ordinal()] + operationSize[OperationType.SCAN.ordinal()];
132    if (useResultSizeBytes) {
133      readDiff = resultSize - readConsumed;
134    } else {
135      long blockBytesScanned =
136        RpcServer.getCurrentCall().map(RpcCall::getBlockBytesScanned).orElse(0L);
137      readDiff = Math.max(blockBytesScanned, resultSize) - readConsumed;
138    }
140    writeCapacityUnitDiff =
141      calculateWriteCapacityUnitDiff(operationSize[OperationType.MUTATE.ordinal()], writeConsumed);
142    readCapacityUnitDiff = calculateReadCapacityUnitDiff(
143      operationSize[OperationType.GET.ordinal()] + operationSize[OperationType.SCAN.ordinal()],
144      readConsumed);
146    for (final QuotaLimiter limiter : limiters) {
147      if (writeDiff != 0) {
148        limiter.consumeWrite(writeDiff, writeCapacityUnitDiff);
149      }
150      if (readDiff != 0) {
151        limiter.consumeRead(readDiff, readCapacityUnitDiff);
152      }
153    }
154  }
156  @Override
157  public long getReadAvailable() {
158    return readAvailable;
159  }
161  @Override
162  public long getReadConsumed() {
163    return readConsumed;
164  }
166  @Override
167  public void addGetResult(final Result result) {
168    operationSize[OperationType.GET.ordinal()] += QuotaUtil.calculateResultSize(result);
169  }
171  @Override
172  public void addScanResult(final List<Result> results) {
173    operationSize[OperationType.SCAN.ordinal()] += QuotaUtil.calculateResultSize(results);
174  }
176  @Override
177  public void addMutation(final Mutation mutation) {
178    operationSize[OperationType.MUTATE.ordinal()] += QuotaUtil.calculateMutationSize(mutation);
179  }
181  /**
182   * Update estimate quota(read/write size/capacityUnits) which will be consumed
183   * @param numWrites the number of write requests
184   * @param numReads  the number of read requests
185   */
186  protected void updateEstimateConsumeBatchQuota(int numWrites, int numReads) {
187    writeConsumed = estimateConsume(OperationType.MUTATE, numWrites, 100);
189    if (useResultSizeBytes) {
190      readConsumed = estimateConsume(OperationType.GET, numReads, 100);
191    } else {
192      // assume 1 block required for reads. this is probably a low estimate, which is okay
193      readConsumed = numReads > 0 ? blockSizeBytes : 0;
194    }
196    writeCapacityUnitConsumed = calculateWriteCapacityUnit(writeConsumed);
197    readCapacityUnitConsumed = calculateReadCapacityUnit(readConsumed);
198  }
200  /**
201   * Update estimate quota(read/write size/capacityUnits) which will be consumed
202   * @param scanRequest                     the scan to be executed
203   * @param maxScannerResultSize            the maximum bytes to be returned by the scanner
204   * @param maxBlockBytesScanned            the maximum bytes scanned in a single RPC call by the
205   *                                        scanner
206   * @param prevBlockBytesScannedDifference the difference between BBS of the previous two next
207   *                                        calls
208   */
209  protected void updateEstimateConsumeScanQuota(ClientProtos.ScanRequest scanRequest,
210    long maxScannerResultSize, long maxBlockBytesScanned, long prevBlockBytesScannedDifference) {
211    if (useResultSizeBytes) {
212      readConsumed = estimateConsume(OperationType.SCAN, 1, 1000);
213    } else {
214      long estimate = getScanReadConsumeEstimate(blockSizeBytes, scanRequest.getNextCallSeq(),
215        maxScannerResultSize, maxBlockBytesScanned, prevBlockBytesScannedDifference);
216      readConsumed = Math.min(maxScanEstimate, estimate);
217    }
219    readCapacityUnitConsumed = calculateReadCapacityUnit(readConsumed);
220  }
222  protected static long getScanReadConsumeEstimate(long blockSizeBytes, long nextCallSeq,
223    long maxScannerResultSize, long maxBlockBytesScanned, long prevBlockBytesScannedDifference) {
224    /*
225     * Estimating scan workload is more complicated, and if we severely underestimate workloads then
226     * throttled clients will exhaust retries too quickly, and could saturate the RPC layer
227     */
228    if (nextCallSeq == 0) {
229      // start scanners with an optimistic 1 block IO estimate
230      // it is better to underestimate a large scan in the beginning
231      // than to overestimate, and block, a small scan
232      return blockSizeBytes;
233    }
235    boolean isWorkloadGrowing = prevBlockBytesScannedDifference > blockSizeBytes;
236    if (isWorkloadGrowing) {
237      // if nextCallSeq > 0 and the workload is growing then our estimate
238      // should consider that the workload may continue to increase
239      return Math.min(maxScannerResultSize, nextCallSeq * maxBlockBytesScanned);
240    } else {
241      // if nextCallSeq > 0 and the workload is shrinking or flat
242      // then our workload has likely plateaued. We can just rely on the existing
243      // maxBlockBytesScanned as our estimate in this case.
244      return maxBlockBytesScanned;
245    }
246  }
248  private long estimateConsume(final OperationType type, int numReqs, long avgSize) {
249    if (numReqs > 0) {
250      return avgSize * numReqs;
251    }
252    return 0;
253  }
255  private long calculateWriteCapacityUnit(final long size) {
256    return (long) Math.ceil(size * 1.0 / this.writeCapacityUnit);
257  }
259  private long calculateReadCapacityUnit(final long size) {
260    return (long) Math.ceil(size * 1.0 / this.readCapacityUnit);
261  }
263  private long calculateWriteCapacityUnitDiff(final long actualSize, final long estimateSize) {
264    return calculateWriteCapacityUnit(actualSize) - calculateWriteCapacityUnit(estimateSize);
265  }
267  private long calculateReadCapacityUnitDiff(final long actualSize, final long estimateSize) {
268    return calculateReadCapacityUnit(actualSize) - calculateReadCapacityUnit(estimateSize);
269  }