002 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
003 * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
004 * distributed with this work for additional information
005 * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
006 * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
007 * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
008 * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
009 *
010 *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
011 *
012 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
013 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
014 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
015 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
016 * limitations under the License.
017 */
018package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.regionserver;
020import java.io.IOException;
021import java.io.InterruptedIOException;
022import java.util.ArrayList;
023import java.util.List;
024import java.util.NavigableSet;
025import java.util.Optional;
026import java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch;
027import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock;
028import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.Cell;
029import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.CellComparator;
030import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.CellUtil;
031import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.DoNotRetryIOException;
032import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.HConstants;
033import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.KeyValue;
034import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.KeyValueUtil;
035import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.PrivateCellUtil;
036import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.IsolationLevel;
037import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Scan;
038import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.executor.ExecutorService;
039import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.filter.Filter;
040import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.ipc.RpcCall;
041import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.ipc.RpcServer;
042import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.regionserver.ScannerContext.LimitScope;
043import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.regionserver.ScannerContext.NextState;
044import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.regionserver.handler.ParallelSeekHandler;
045import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.regionserver.querymatcher.CompactionScanQueryMatcher;
046import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.regionserver.querymatcher.ScanQueryMatcher;
047import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.regionserver.querymatcher.UserScanQueryMatcher;
048import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.EnvironmentEdgeManager;
049import org.apache.yetus.audience.InterfaceAudience;
050import org.slf4j.Logger;
051import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
053import org.apache.hbase.thirdparty.com.google.common.base.Preconditions;
054import org.apache.hbase.thirdparty.org.apache.commons.collections4.CollectionUtils;
057 * Scanner scans both the memstore and the Store. Coalesce KeyValue stream into List<KeyValue>
058 * for a single row.
059 * <p>
060 * The implementation is not thread safe. So there will be no race between next and close. The only
061 * exception is updateReaders, it will be called in the memstore flush thread to indicate that there
062 * is a flush.
063 */
065public class StoreScanner extends NonReversedNonLazyKeyValueScanner
066  implements KeyValueScanner, InternalScanner, ChangedReadersObserver {
067  private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(StoreScanner.class);
068  // In unit tests, the store could be null
069  protected final HStore store;
070  private final CellComparator comparator;
071  private ScanQueryMatcher matcher;
072  protected KeyValueHeap heap;
073  private boolean cacheBlocks;
075  private long countPerRow = 0;
076  private int storeLimit = -1;
077  private int storeOffset = 0;
079  // Used to indicate that the scanner has closed (see HBASE-1107)
080  private volatile boolean closing = false;
081  private final boolean get;
082  private final boolean explicitColumnQuery;
083  private final boolean useRowColBloom;
084  /**
085   * A flag that enables StoreFileScanner parallel-seeking
086   */
087  private boolean parallelSeekEnabled = false;
088  private ExecutorService executor;
089  private final Scan scan;
090  private final long oldestUnexpiredTS;
091  private final long now;
092  private final int minVersions;
093  private final long maxRowSize;
094  private final long cellsPerHeartbeatCheck;
095  long memstoreOnlyReads;
096  long mixedReads;
098  // 1) Collects all the KVHeap that are eagerly getting closed during the
099  // course of a scan
100  // 2) Collects the unused memstore scanners. If we close the memstore scanners
101  // before sending data to client, the chunk may be reclaimed by other
102  // updates and the data will be corrupt.
103  private final List<KeyValueScanner> scannersForDelayedClose = new ArrayList<>();
105  /**
106   * The number of KVs seen by the scanner. Includes explicitly skipped KVs, but not KVs skipped via
107   * seeking to next row/column. TODO: estimate them?
108   */
109  private long kvsScanned = 0;
110  private Cell prevCell = null;
112  private final long preadMaxBytes;
113  private long bytesRead;
115  /** We don't ever expect to change this, the constant is just for clarity. */
116  static final boolean LAZY_SEEK_ENABLED_BY_DEFAULT = true;
117  public static final String STORESCANNER_PARALLEL_SEEK_ENABLE =
118    "hbase.storescanner.parallel.seek.enable";
120  /** Used during unit testing to ensure that lazy seek does save seek ops */
121  private static boolean lazySeekEnabledGlobally = LAZY_SEEK_ENABLED_BY_DEFAULT;
123  /**
124   * The number of cells scanned in between timeout checks. Specifying a larger value means that
125   * timeout checks will occur less frequently. Specifying a small value will lead to more frequent
126   * timeout checks.
127   */
128  public static final String HBASE_CELLS_SCANNED_PER_HEARTBEAT_CHECK =
129    "hbase.cells.scanned.per.heartbeat.check";
131  /**
132   * Default value of {@link #HBASE_CELLS_SCANNED_PER_HEARTBEAT_CHECK}.
133   */
134  public static final long DEFAULT_HBASE_CELLS_SCANNED_PER_HEARTBEAT_CHECK = 10000;
136  /**
137   * If the read type is Scan.ReadType.DEFAULT, we will start with pread, and if the kvs we scanned
138   * reaches this limit, we will reopen the scanner with stream. The default value is 4 times of
139   * block size for this store. If configured with a value <0, for all scans with ReadType DEFAULT,
140   * we will open scanner with stream mode itself.
141   */
142  public static final String STORESCANNER_PREAD_MAX_BYTES = "hbase.storescanner.pread.max.bytes";
144  private final Scan.ReadType readType;
146  // A flag whether use pread for scan
147  // it maybe changed if we use Scan.ReadType.DEFAULT and we have read lots of data.
148  private boolean scanUsePread;
149  // Indicates whether there was flush during the course of the scan
150  private volatile boolean flushed = false;
151  // generally we get one file from a flush
152  private final List<KeyValueScanner> flushedstoreFileScanners = new ArrayList<>(1);
153  // Since CompactingMemstore is now default, we get three memstore scanners from a flush
154  private final List<KeyValueScanner> memStoreScannersAfterFlush = new ArrayList<>(3);
155  // The current list of scanners
156  final List<KeyValueScanner> currentScanners = new ArrayList<>();
157  // flush update lock
158  private final ReentrantLock flushLock = new ReentrantLock();
159  // lock for closing.
160  private final ReentrantLock closeLock = new ReentrantLock();
162  protected final long readPt;
163  private boolean topChanged = false;
165  /** An internal constructor. */
166  private StoreScanner(HStore store, Scan scan, ScanInfo scanInfo, int numColumns, long readPt,
167    boolean cacheBlocks, ScanType scanType) {
168    this.readPt = readPt;
169    this.store = store;
170    this.cacheBlocks = cacheBlocks;
171    this.comparator = Preconditions.checkNotNull(scanInfo.getComparator());
172    get = scan.isGetScan();
173    explicitColumnQuery = numColumns > 0;
174    this.scan = scan;
175    this.now = EnvironmentEdgeManager.currentTime();
176    this.oldestUnexpiredTS = scan.isRaw() ? 0L : now - scanInfo.getTtl();
177    this.minVersions = scanInfo.getMinVersions();
179    // We look up row-column Bloom filters for multi-column queries as part of
180    // the seek operation. However, we also look the row-column Bloom filter
181    // for multi-row (non-"get") scans because this is not done in
182    // StoreFile.passesBloomFilter(Scan, SortedSet<byte[]>).
183    this.useRowColBloom = numColumns > 1 || (!get && numColumns == 1) && (store == null
184      || store.getColumnFamilyDescriptor().getBloomFilterType() == BloomType.ROWCOL);
185    this.maxRowSize = scanInfo.getTableMaxRowSize();
186    this.preadMaxBytes = scanInfo.getPreadMaxBytes();
187    if (get) {
188      this.readType = Scan.ReadType.PREAD;
189      this.scanUsePread = true;
190    } else if (scanType != ScanType.USER_SCAN) {
191      // For compaction scanners never use Pread as already we have stream based scanners on the
192      // store files to be compacted
193      this.readType = Scan.ReadType.STREAM;
194      this.scanUsePread = false;
195    } else {
196      if (scan.getReadType() == Scan.ReadType.DEFAULT) {
197        if (scanInfo.isUsePread()) {
198          this.readType = Scan.ReadType.PREAD;
199        } else if (this.preadMaxBytes < 0) {
200          this.readType = Scan.ReadType.STREAM;
201        } else {
202          this.readType = Scan.ReadType.DEFAULT;
203        }
204      } else {
205        this.readType = scan.getReadType();
206      }
207      // Always start with pread unless user specific stream. Will change to stream later if
208      // readType is default if the scan keeps running for a long time.
209      this.scanUsePread = this.readType != Scan.ReadType.STREAM;
210    }
211    this.cellsPerHeartbeatCheck = scanInfo.getCellsPerTimeoutCheck();
212    // Parallel seeking is on if the config allows and more there is more than one store file.
213    if (store != null && store.getStorefilesCount() > 1) {
214      RegionServerServices rsService = store.getHRegion().getRegionServerServices();
215      if (rsService != null && scanInfo.isParallelSeekEnabled()) {
216        this.parallelSeekEnabled = true;
217        this.executor = rsService.getExecutorService();
218      }
219    }
220  }
222  private void addCurrentScanners(List<? extends KeyValueScanner> scanners) {
223    this.currentScanners.addAll(scanners);
224  }
226  /**
227   * Opens a scanner across memstore, snapshot, and all StoreFiles. Assumes we are not in a
228   * compaction.
229   * @param store   who we scan
230   * @param scan    the spec
231   * @param columns which columns we are scanning
232   */
233  public StoreScanner(HStore store, ScanInfo scanInfo, Scan scan, NavigableSet<byte[]> columns,
234    long readPt) throws IOException {
235    this(store, scan, scanInfo, columns != null ? columns.size() : 0, readPt, scan.getCacheBlocks(),
236      ScanType.USER_SCAN);
237    if (columns != null && scan.isRaw()) {
238      throw new DoNotRetryIOException("Cannot specify any column for a raw scan");
239    }
240    matcher = UserScanQueryMatcher.create(scan, scanInfo, columns, oldestUnexpiredTS, now,
241      store.getCoprocessorHost());
243    store.addChangedReaderObserver(this);
245    List<KeyValueScanner> scanners = null;
246    try {
247      // Pass columns to try to filter out unnecessary StoreFiles.
248      scanners = selectScannersFrom(store,
249        store.getScanners(cacheBlocks, scanUsePread, false, matcher, scan.getStartRow(),
250          scan.includeStartRow(), scan.getStopRow(), scan.includeStopRow(), this.readPt));
252      // Seek all scanners to the start of the Row (or if the exact matching row
253      // key does not exist, then to the start of the next matching Row).
254      // Always check bloom filter to optimize the top row seek for delete
255      // family marker.
256      seekScanners(scanners, matcher.getStartKey(), explicitColumnQuery && lazySeekEnabledGlobally,
257        parallelSeekEnabled);
259      // set storeLimit
260      this.storeLimit = scan.getMaxResultsPerColumnFamily();
262      // set rowOffset
263      this.storeOffset = scan.getRowOffsetPerColumnFamily();
264      addCurrentScanners(scanners);
265      // Combine all seeked scanners with a heap
266      resetKVHeap(scanners, comparator);
267    } catch (IOException e) {
268      clearAndClose(scanners);
269      // remove us from the HStore#changedReaderObservers here or we'll have no chance to
270      // and might cause memory leak
271      store.deleteChangedReaderObserver(this);
272      throw e;
273    }
274  }
276  // a dummy scan instance for compaction.
277  private static final Scan SCAN_FOR_COMPACTION = new Scan();
279  /**
280   * Used for store file compaction and memstore compaction.
281   * <p>
282   * Opens a scanner across specified StoreFiles/MemStoreSegments.
283   * @param store             who we scan
284   * @param scanners          ancillary scanners
285   * @param smallestReadPoint the readPoint that we should use for tracking versions
286   */
287  public StoreScanner(HStore store, ScanInfo scanInfo, List<? extends KeyValueScanner> scanners,
288    ScanType scanType, long smallestReadPoint, long earliestPutTs) throws IOException {
289    this(store, scanInfo, scanners, scanType, smallestReadPoint, earliestPutTs, null, null);
290  }
292  /**
293   * Used for compactions that drop deletes from a limited range of rows.
294   * <p>
295   * Opens a scanner across specified StoreFiles.
296   * @param store              who we scan
297   * @param scanners           ancillary scanners
298   * @param smallestReadPoint  the readPoint that we should use for tracking versions
299   * @param dropDeletesFromRow The inclusive left bound of the range; can be EMPTY_START_ROW.
300   * @param dropDeletesToRow   The exclusive right bound of the range; can be EMPTY_END_ROW.
301   */
302  public StoreScanner(HStore store, ScanInfo scanInfo, List<? extends KeyValueScanner> scanners,
303    long smallestReadPoint, long earliestPutTs, byte[] dropDeletesFromRow, byte[] dropDeletesToRow)
304    throws IOException {
305    this(store, scanInfo, scanners, ScanType.COMPACT_RETAIN_DELETES, smallestReadPoint,
306      earliestPutTs, dropDeletesFromRow, dropDeletesToRow);
307  }
309  private StoreScanner(HStore store, ScanInfo scanInfo, List<? extends KeyValueScanner> scanners,
310    ScanType scanType, long smallestReadPoint, long earliestPutTs, byte[] dropDeletesFromRow,
311    byte[] dropDeletesToRow) throws IOException {
312    this(store, SCAN_FOR_COMPACTION, scanInfo, 0,
313      store.getHRegion().getReadPoint(IsolationLevel.READ_COMMITTED), false, scanType);
314    assert scanType != ScanType.USER_SCAN;
315    matcher =
316      CompactionScanQueryMatcher.create(scanInfo, scanType, smallestReadPoint, earliestPutTs,
317        oldestUnexpiredTS, now, dropDeletesFromRow, dropDeletesToRow, store.getCoprocessorHost());
319    // Filter the list of scanners using Bloom filters, time range, TTL, etc.
320    scanners = selectScannersFrom(store, scanners);
322    // Seek all scanners to the initial key
323    seekScanners(scanners, matcher.getStartKey(), false, parallelSeekEnabled);
324    addCurrentScanners(scanners);
325    // Combine all seeked scanners with a heap
326    resetKVHeap(scanners, comparator);
327  }
329  private void seekAllScanner(ScanInfo scanInfo, List<? extends KeyValueScanner> scanners)
330    throws IOException {
331    // Seek all scanners to the initial key
332    seekScanners(scanners, matcher.getStartKey(), false, parallelSeekEnabled);
333    addCurrentScanners(scanners);
334    resetKVHeap(scanners, comparator);
335  }
337  // For mob compaction only as we do not have a Store instance when doing mob compaction.
338  public StoreScanner(ScanInfo scanInfo, ScanType scanType,
339    List<? extends KeyValueScanner> scanners) throws IOException {
340    this(null, SCAN_FOR_COMPACTION, scanInfo, 0, Long.MAX_VALUE, false, scanType);
341    assert scanType != ScanType.USER_SCAN;
342    this.matcher = CompactionScanQueryMatcher.create(scanInfo, scanType, Long.MAX_VALUE, 0L,
343      oldestUnexpiredTS, now, null, null, null);
344    seekAllScanner(scanInfo, scanners);
345  }
347  // Used to instantiate a scanner for user scan in test
348  StoreScanner(Scan scan, ScanInfo scanInfo, NavigableSet<byte[]> columns,
349    List<? extends KeyValueScanner> scanners) throws IOException {
350    // 0 is passed as readpoint because the test bypasses Store
351    this(null, scan, scanInfo, columns != null ? columns.size() : 0, 0L, scan.getCacheBlocks(),
352      ScanType.USER_SCAN);
353    this.matcher =
354      UserScanQueryMatcher.create(scan, scanInfo, columns, oldestUnexpiredTS, now, null);
355    seekAllScanner(scanInfo, scanners);
356  }
358  // Used to instantiate a scanner for user scan in test
359  StoreScanner(Scan scan, ScanInfo scanInfo, NavigableSet<byte[]> columns,
360    List<? extends KeyValueScanner> scanners, ScanType scanType) throws IOException {
361    // 0 is passed as readpoint because the test bypasses Store
362    this(null, scan, scanInfo, columns != null ? columns.size() : 0, 0L, scan.getCacheBlocks(),
363      scanType);
364    if (scanType == ScanType.USER_SCAN) {
365      this.matcher =
366        UserScanQueryMatcher.create(scan, scanInfo, columns, oldestUnexpiredTS, now, null);
367    } else {
368      this.matcher = CompactionScanQueryMatcher.create(scanInfo, scanType, Long.MAX_VALUE,
369        HConstants.OLDEST_TIMESTAMP, oldestUnexpiredTS, now, null, null, null);
370    }
371    seekAllScanner(scanInfo, scanners);
372  }
374  // Used to instantiate a scanner for compaction in test
375  StoreScanner(ScanInfo scanInfo, int maxVersions, ScanType scanType,
376    List<? extends KeyValueScanner> scanners) throws IOException {
377    // 0 is passed as readpoint because the test bypasses Store
378    this(null, maxVersions > 0 ? new Scan().readVersions(maxVersions) : SCAN_FOR_COMPACTION,
379      scanInfo, 0, 0L, false, scanType);
380    this.matcher = CompactionScanQueryMatcher.create(scanInfo, scanType, Long.MAX_VALUE,
381      HConstants.OLDEST_TIMESTAMP, oldestUnexpiredTS, now, null, null, null);
382    seekAllScanner(scanInfo, scanners);
383  }
385  boolean isScanUsePread() {
386    return this.scanUsePread;
387  }
389  /**
390   * Seek the specified scanners with the given key
391   * @param isLazy         true if using lazy seek
392   * @param isParallelSeek true if using parallel seek
393   */
394  protected void seekScanners(List<? extends KeyValueScanner> scanners, Cell seekKey,
395    boolean isLazy, boolean isParallelSeek) throws IOException {
396    // Seek all scanners to the start of the Row (or if the exact matching row
397    // key does not exist, then to the start of the next matching Row).
398    // Always check bloom filter to optimize the top row seek for delete
399    // family marker.
400    if (isLazy) {
401      for (KeyValueScanner scanner : scanners) {
402        scanner.requestSeek(seekKey, false, true);
403      }
404    } else {
405      if (!isParallelSeek) {
406        long totalScannersSoughtBytes = 0;
407        for (KeyValueScanner scanner : scanners) {
408          if (matcher.isUserScan() && totalScannersSoughtBytes >= maxRowSize) {
409            throw new RowTooBigException(
410              "Max row size allowed: " + maxRowSize + ", but row is bigger than that");
411          }
412          scanner.seek(seekKey);
413          Cell c = scanner.peek();
414          if (c != null) {
415            totalScannersSoughtBytes += PrivateCellUtil.estimatedSerializedSizeOf(c);
416          }
417        }
418      } else {
419        parallelSeek(scanners, seekKey);
420      }
421    }
422  }
424  protected void resetKVHeap(List<? extends KeyValueScanner> scanners, CellComparator comparator)
425    throws IOException {
426    // Combine all seeked scanners with a heap
427    heap = newKVHeap(scanners, comparator);
428  }
430  protected KeyValueHeap newKVHeap(List<? extends KeyValueScanner> scanners,
431    CellComparator comparator) throws IOException {
432    return new KeyValueHeap(scanners, comparator);
433  }
435  /**
436   * Filters the given list of scanners using Bloom filter, time range, and TTL.
437   * <p>
438   * Will be overridden by testcase so declared as protected.
439   */
440  protected List<KeyValueScanner> selectScannersFrom(HStore store,
441    List<? extends KeyValueScanner> allScanners) {
442    boolean memOnly;
443    boolean filesOnly;
444    if (scan instanceof InternalScan) {
445      InternalScan iscan = (InternalScan) scan;
446      memOnly = iscan.isCheckOnlyMemStore();
447      filesOnly = iscan.isCheckOnlyStoreFiles();
448    } else {
449      memOnly = false;
450      filesOnly = false;
451    }
453    List<KeyValueScanner> scanners = new ArrayList<>(allScanners.size());
455    // We can only exclude store files based on TTL if minVersions is set to 0.
456    // Otherwise, we might have to return KVs that have technically expired.
457    long expiredTimestampCutoff = minVersions == 0 ? oldestUnexpiredTS : Long.MIN_VALUE;
459    // include only those scan files which pass all filters
460    for (KeyValueScanner kvs : allScanners) {
461      boolean isFile = kvs.isFileScanner();
462      if ((!isFile && filesOnly) || (isFile && memOnly)) {
463        kvs.close();
464        continue;
465      }
467      if (kvs.shouldUseScanner(scan, store, expiredTimestampCutoff)) {
468        scanners.add(kvs);
469      } else {
470        kvs.close();
471      }
472    }
473    return scanners;
474  }
476  @Override
477  public Cell peek() {
478    return heap != null ? heap.peek() : null;
479  }
481  @Override
482  public KeyValue next() {
483    // throw runtime exception perhaps?
484    throw new RuntimeException("Never call StoreScanner.next()");
485  }
487  @Override
488  public void close() {
489    close(true);
490  }
492  private void close(boolean withDelayedScannersClose) {
493    closeLock.lock();
494    // If the closeLock is acquired then any subsequent updateReaders()
495    // call is ignored.
496    try {
497      if (this.closing) {
498        return;
499      }
500      if (withDelayedScannersClose) {
501        this.closing = true;
502      }
503      // For mob compaction, we do not have a store.
504      if (this.store != null) {
505        this.store.deleteChangedReaderObserver(this);
506      }
507      if (withDelayedScannersClose) {
508        clearAndClose(scannersForDelayedClose);
509        clearAndClose(memStoreScannersAfterFlush);
510        clearAndClose(flushedstoreFileScanners);
511        if (this.heap != null) {
512          this.heap.close();
513          this.currentScanners.clear();
514          this.heap = null; // CLOSED!
515        }
516      } else {
517        if (this.heap != null) {
518          this.scannersForDelayedClose.add(this.heap);
519          this.currentScanners.clear();
520          this.heap = null;
521        }
522      }
523    } finally {
524      closeLock.unlock();
525    }
526  }
528  @Override
529  public boolean seek(Cell key) throws IOException {
530    if (checkFlushed()) {
531      reopenAfterFlush();
532    }
533    return this.heap.seek(key);
534  }
536  /**
537   * Get the next row of values from this Store.
538   * @return true if there are more rows, false if scanner is done
539   */
540  @Override
541  public boolean next(List<Cell> outResult, ScannerContext scannerContext) throws IOException {
542    if (scannerContext == null) {
543      throw new IllegalArgumentException("Scanner context cannot be null");
544    }
545    if (checkFlushed() && reopenAfterFlush()) {
546      return scannerContext.setScannerState(NextState.MORE_VALUES).hasMoreValues();
547    }
549    // if the heap was left null, then the scanners had previously run out anyways, close and
550    // return.
551    if (this.heap == null) {
552      // By this time partial close should happened because already heap is null
553      close(false);// Do all cleanup except heap.close()
554      return scannerContext.setScannerState(NextState.NO_MORE_VALUES).hasMoreValues();
555    }
557    Cell cell = this.heap.peek();
558    if (cell == null) {
559      close(false);// Do all cleanup except heap.close()
560      return scannerContext.setScannerState(NextState.NO_MORE_VALUES).hasMoreValues();
561    }
563    // only call setRow if the row changes; avoids confusing the query matcher
564    // if scanning intra-row
566    // If no limits exists in the scope LimitScope.Between_Cells then we are sure we are changing
567    // rows. Else it is possible we are still traversing the same row so we must perform the row
568    // comparison.
569    if (!scannerContext.hasAnyLimit(LimitScope.BETWEEN_CELLS) || matcher.currentRow() == null) {
570      this.countPerRow = 0;
571      matcher.setToNewRow(cell);
572    }
574    // Clear progress away unless invoker has indicated it should be kept.
575    if (!scannerContext.getKeepProgress() && !scannerContext.getSkippingRow()) {
576      scannerContext.clearProgress();
577    }
579    Optional<RpcCall> rpcCall =
580      matcher.isUserScan() ? RpcServer.getCurrentCall() : Optional.empty();
582    int count = 0;
583    long totalBytesRead = 0;
584    boolean onlyFromMemstore = matcher.isUserScan();
585    try {
586      LOOP: do {
587        // Update and check the time limit based on the configured value of cellsPerTimeoutCheck
588        // Or if the preadMaxBytes is reached and we may want to return so we can switch to stream
589        // in
590        // the shipped method below.
591        if (
592          kvsScanned % cellsPerHeartbeatCheck == 0
593            || (scanUsePread && readType == Scan.ReadType.DEFAULT && bytesRead > preadMaxBytes)
594        ) {
595          if (scannerContext.checkTimeLimit(LimitScope.BETWEEN_CELLS)) {
596            return scannerContext.setScannerState(NextState.TIME_LIMIT_REACHED).hasMoreValues();
597          }
598        }
599        // Do object compare - we set prevKV from the same heap.
600        if (prevCell != cell) {
601          ++kvsScanned;
602        }
603        checkScanOrder(prevCell, cell, comparator);
604        int cellSize = PrivateCellUtil.estimatedSerializedSizeOf(cell);
605        bytesRead += cellSize;
606        if (scanUsePread && readType == Scan.ReadType.DEFAULT && bytesRead > preadMaxBytes) {
607          // return immediately if we want to switch from pread to stream. We need this because we
608          // can
609          // only switch in the shipped method, if user use a filter to filter out everything and
610          // rpc
611          // timeout is very large then the shipped method will never be called until the whole scan
612          // is finished, but at that time we have already scan all the data...
613          // See HBASE-20457 for more details.
614          // And there is still a scenario that can not be handled. If we have a very large row,
615          // which
616          // have millions of qualifiers, and filter.filterRow is used, then even if we set the flag
617          // here, we still need to scan all the qualifiers before returning...
618          scannerContext.returnImmediately();
619        }
621        heap.recordBlockSize(blockSize -> {
622          if (rpcCall.isPresent()) {
623            rpcCall.get().incrementBlockBytesScanned(blockSize);
624          }
625          scannerContext.incrementBlockProgress(blockSize);
626        });
628        prevCell = cell;
629        scannerContext.setLastPeekedCell(cell);
630        topChanged = false;
631        ScanQueryMatcher.MatchCode qcode = matcher.match(cell);
632        switch (qcode) {
633          case INCLUDE:
634          case INCLUDE_AND_SEEK_NEXT_ROW:
635          case INCLUDE_AND_SEEK_NEXT_COL:
636            Filter f = matcher.getFilter();
637            if (f != null) {
638              cell = f.transformCell(cell);
639            }
640            this.countPerRow++;
642            // add to results only if we have skipped #storeOffset kvs
643            // also update metric accordingly
644            if (this.countPerRow > storeOffset) {
645              outResult.add(cell);
647              // Update local tracking information
648              count++;
649              totalBytesRead += cellSize;
651              /**
652               * Increment the metric if all the cells are from memstore. If not we will account it
653               * for mixed reads
654               */
655              onlyFromMemstore = onlyFromMemstore && heap.isLatestCellFromMemstore();
656              // Update the progress of the scanner context
657              scannerContext.incrementSizeProgress(cellSize, cell.heapSize());
658              scannerContext.incrementBatchProgress(1);
660              if (matcher.isUserScan() && totalBytesRead > maxRowSize) {
661                String message = "Max row size allowed: " + maxRowSize
662                  + ", but the row is bigger than that, the row info: "
663                  + CellUtil.toString(cell, false) + ", already have process row cells = "
664                  + outResult.size() + ", it belong to region = "
665                  + store.getHRegion().getRegionInfo().getRegionNameAsString();
666                LOG.warn(message);
667                throw new RowTooBigException(message);
668              }
670              if (storeLimit > -1 && this.countPerRow >= (storeLimit + storeOffset)) {
671                // do what SEEK_NEXT_ROW does.
672                if (!matcher.moreRowsMayExistAfter(cell)) {
673                  close(false);// Do all cleanup except heap.close()
674                  return scannerContext.setScannerState(NextState.NO_MORE_VALUES).hasMoreValues();
675                }
676                matcher.clearCurrentRow();
677                seekToNextRow(cell);
678                break LOOP;
679              }
680            }
682            if (qcode == ScanQueryMatcher.MatchCode.INCLUDE_AND_SEEK_NEXT_ROW) {
683              if (!matcher.moreRowsMayExistAfter(cell)) {
684                close(false);// Do all cleanup except heap.close()
685                return scannerContext.setScannerState(NextState.NO_MORE_VALUES).hasMoreValues();
686              }
687              matcher.clearCurrentRow();
688              seekOrSkipToNextRow(cell);
689            } else if (qcode == ScanQueryMatcher.MatchCode.INCLUDE_AND_SEEK_NEXT_COL) {
690              seekOrSkipToNextColumn(cell);
691            } else {
692              this.heap.next();
693            }
695            if (scannerContext.checkBatchLimit(LimitScope.BETWEEN_CELLS)) {
696              break LOOP;
697            }
698            if (scannerContext.checkSizeLimit(LimitScope.BETWEEN_CELLS)) {
699              break LOOP;
700            }
701            continue;
703          case DONE:
704            // Optimization for Gets! If DONE, no more to get on this row, early exit!
705            if (get) {
706              // Then no more to this row... exit.
707              close(false);// Do all cleanup except heap.close()
708              // update metric
709              return scannerContext.setScannerState(NextState.NO_MORE_VALUES).hasMoreValues();
710            }
711            matcher.clearCurrentRow();
712            return scannerContext.setScannerState(NextState.MORE_VALUES).hasMoreValues();
714          case DONE_SCAN:
715            close(false);// Do all cleanup except heap.close()
716            return scannerContext.setScannerState(NextState.NO_MORE_VALUES).hasMoreValues();
718          case SEEK_NEXT_ROW:
719            // This is just a relatively simple end of scan fix, to short-cut end
720            // us if there is an endKey in the scan.
721            if (!matcher.moreRowsMayExistAfter(cell)) {
722              close(false);// Do all cleanup except heap.close()
723              return scannerContext.setScannerState(NextState.NO_MORE_VALUES).hasMoreValues();
724            }
725            matcher.clearCurrentRow();
726            seekOrSkipToNextRow(cell);
727            NextState stateAfterSeekNextRow = needToReturn(outResult);
728            if (stateAfterSeekNextRow != null) {
729              return scannerContext.setScannerState(stateAfterSeekNextRow).hasMoreValues();
730            }
731            break;
733          case SEEK_NEXT_COL:
734            seekOrSkipToNextColumn(cell);
735            NextState stateAfterSeekNextColumn = needToReturn(outResult);
736            if (stateAfterSeekNextColumn != null) {
737              return scannerContext.setScannerState(stateAfterSeekNextColumn).hasMoreValues();
738            }
739            break;
741          case SKIP:
742            this.heap.next();
743            break;
745          case SEEK_NEXT_USING_HINT:
746            Cell nextKV = matcher.getNextKeyHint(cell);
747            if (nextKV != null) {
748              int difference = comparator.compare(nextKV, cell);
749              if (
750                ((!scan.isReversed() && difference > 0) || (scan.isReversed() && difference < 0))
751              ) {
752                seekAsDirection(nextKV);
753                NextState stateAfterSeekByHint = needToReturn(outResult);
754                if (stateAfterSeekByHint != null) {
755                  return scannerContext.setScannerState(stateAfterSeekByHint).hasMoreValues();
756                }
757                break;
758              }
759            }
760            heap.next();
761            break;
763          default:
764            throw new RuntimeException("UNEXPECTED");
765        }
767        // One last chance to break due to size limit. The INCLUDE* cases above already check
768        // limit and continue. For the various filtered cases, we need to check because block
769        // size limit may have been exceeded even if we don't add cells to result list.
770        if (scannerContext.checkSizeLimit(LimitScope.BETWEEN_CELLS)) {
771          return scannerContext.setScannerState(NextState.MORE_VALUES).hasMoreValues();
772        }
773      } while ((cell = this.heap.peek()) != null);
775      if (count > 0) {
776        return scannerContext.setScannerState(NextState.MORE_VALUES).hasMoreValues();
777      }
779      // No more keys
780      close(false);// Do all cleanup except heap.close()
781      return scannerContext.setScannerState(NextState.NO_MORE_VALUES).hasMoreValues();
782    } finally {
783      // increment only if we have some result
784      if (count > 0 && matcher.isUserScan()) {
785        // if true increment memstore metrics, if not the mixed one
786        updateMetricsStore(onlyFromMemstore);
787      }
788    }
789  }
791  private void updateMetricsStore(boolean memstoreRead) {
792    if (store != null) {
793      store.updateMetricsStore(memstoreRead);
794    } else {
795      // for testing.
796      if (memstoreRead) {
797        memstoreOnlyReads++;
798      } else {
799        mixedReads++;
800      }
801    }
802  }
804  /**
805   * If the top cell won't be flushed into disk, the new top cell may be changed after
806   * #reopenAfterFlush. Because the older top cell only exist in the memstore scanner but the
807   * memstore scanner is replaced by hfile scanner after #reopenAfterFlush. If the row of top cell
808   * is changed, we should return the current cells. Otherwise, we may return the cells across
809   * different rows.
810   * @param outResult the cells which are visible for user scan
811   * @return null is the top cell doesn't change. Otherwise, the NextState to return
812   */
813  private NextState needToReturn(List<Cell> outResult) {
814    if (!outResult.isEmpty() && topChanged) {
815      return heap.peek() == null ? NextState.NO_MORE_VALUES : NextState.MORE_VALUES;
816    }
817    return null;
818  }
820  private void seekOrSkipToNextRow(Cell cell) throws IOException {
821    // If it is a Get Scan, then we know that we are done with this row; there are no more
822    // rows beyond the current one: don't try to optimize.
823    if (!get) {
824      if (trySkipToNextRow(cell)) {
825        return;
826      }
827    }
828    seekToNextRow(cell);
829  }
831  private void seekOrSkipToNextColumn(Cell cell) throws IOException {
832    if (!trySkipToNextColumn(cell)) {
833      seekAsDirection(matcher.getKeyForNextColumn(cell));
834    }
835  }
837  /**
838   * See if we should actually SEEK or rather just SKIP to the next Cell (see HBASE-13109).
839   * ScanQueryMatcher may issue SEEK hints, such as seek to next column, next row, or seek to an
840   * arbitrary seek key. This method decides whether a seek is the most efficient _actual_ way to
841   * get us to the requested cell (SEEKs are more expensive than SKIP, SKIP, SKIP inside the
842   * current, loaded block). It does this by looking at the next indexed key of the current HFile.
843   * This key is then compared with the _SEEK_ key, where a SEEK key is an artificial 'last possible
844   * key on the row' (only in here, we avoid actually creating a SEEK key; in the compare we work
845   * with the current Cell but compare as though it were a seek key; see down in
846   * matcher.compareKeyForNextRow, etc). If the compare gets us onto the next block we *_SEEK,
847   * otherwise we just SKIP to the next requested cell.
848   * <p>
849   * Other notes:
850   * <ul>
851   * <li>Rows can straddle block boundaries</li>
852   * <li>Versions of columns can straddle block boundaries (i.e. column C1 at T1 might be in a
853   * different block than column C1 at T2)</li>
854   * <li>We want to SKIP if the chance is high that we'll find the desired Cell after a few
855   * SKIPs...</li>
856   * <li>We want to SEEK when the chance is high that we'll be able to seek past many Cells,
857   * especially if we know we need to go to the next block.</li>
858   * </ul>
859   * <p>
860   * A good proxy (best effort) to determine whether SKIP is better than SEEK is whether we'll
861   * likely end up seeking to the next block (or past the next block) to get our next column.
862   * Example:
863   *
864   * <pre>
865   * |    BLOCK 1              |     BLOCK 2                   |
866   * |  r1/c1, r1/c2, r1/c3    |    r1/c4, r1/c5, r2/c1        |
867   *                                   ^         ^
868   *                                   |         |
869   *                           Next Index Key   SEEK_NEXT_ROW (before r2/c1)
870   *
871   *
872   * |    BLOCK 1                       |     BLOCK 2                      |
873   * |  r1/c1/t5, r1/c1/t4, r1/c1/t3    |    r1/c1/t2, r1/c1/T1, r1/c2/T3  |
874   *                                            ^              ^
875   *                                            |              |
876   *                                    Next Index Key        SEEK_NEXT_COL
877   * </pre>
878   *
879   * Now imagine we want columns c1 and c3 (see first diagram above), the 'Next Index Key' of r1/c4
880   * is > r1/c3 so we should seek to get to the c1 on the next row, r2. In second case, say we only
881   * want one version of c1, after we have it, a SEEK_COL will be issued to get to c2. Looking at
882   * the 'Next Index Key', it would land us in the next block, so we should SEEK. In other scenarios
883   * where the SEEK will not land us in the next block, it is very likely better to issues a series
884   * of SKIPs.
885   * @param cell current cell
886   * @return true means skip to next row, false means not
887   */
888  protected boolean trySkipToNextRow(Cell cell) throws IOException {
889    Cell nextCell = null;
890    // used to guard against a changed next indexed key by doing a identity comparison
891    // when the identity changes we need to compare the bytes again
892    Cell previousIndexedKey = null;
893    do {
894      Cell nextIndexedKey = getNextIndexedKey();
895      if (
896        nextIndexedKey != null && nextIndexedKey != KeyValueScanner.NO_NEXT_INDEXED_KEY
897          && (nextIndexedKey == previousIndexedKey
898            || matcher.compareKeyForNextRow(nextIndexedKey, cell) >= 0)
899      ) {
900        this.heap.next();
901        ++kvsScanned;
902        previousIndexedKey = nextIndexedKey;
903      } else {
904        return false;
905      }
906    } while ((nextCell = this.heap.peek()) != null && CellUtil.matchingRows(cell, nextCell));
907    return true;
908  }
910  /**
911   * See {@link org.apache.hadoop.hbase.regionserver.StoreScanner#trySkipToNextRow(Cell)}
912   * @param cell current cell
913   * @return true means skip to next column, false means not
914   */
915  protected boolean trySkipToNextColumn(Cell cell) throws IOException {
916    Cell nextCell = null;
917    // used to guard against a changed next indexed key by doing a identity comparison
918    // when the identity changes we need to compare the bytes again
919    Cell previousIndexedKey = null;
920    do {
921      Cell nextIndexedKey = getNextIndexedKey();
922      if (
923        nextIndexedKey != null && nextIndexedKey != KeyValueScanner.NO_NEXT_INDEXED_KEY
924          && (nextIndexedKey == previousIndexedKey
925            || matcher.compareKeyForNextColumn(nextIndexedKey, cell) >= 0)
926      ) {
927        this.heap.next();
928        ++kvsScanned;
929        previousIndexedKey = nextIndexedKey;
930      } else {
931        return false;
932      }
933    } while ((nextCell = this.heap.peek()) != null && CellUtil.matchingRowColumn(cell, nextCell));
934    // We need this check because it may happen that the new scanner that we get
935    // during heap.next() is requiring reseek due of fake KV previously generated for
936    // ROWCOL bloom filter optimization. See HBASE-19863 for more details
937    if (useRowColBloom && nextCell != null && cell.getTimestamp() == HConstants.OLDEST_TIMESTAMP) {
938      return false;
939    }
940    return true;
941  }
943  @Override
944  public long getReadPoint() {
945    return this.readPt;
946  }
948  private static void clearAndClose(List<KeyValueScanner> scanners) {
949    if (scanners == null) {
950      return;
951    }
952    for (KeyValueScanner s : scanners) {
953      s.close();
954    }
955    scanners.clear();
956  }
958  // Implementation of ChangedReadersObserver
959  @Override
960  public void updateReaders(List<HStoreFile> sfs, List<KeyValueScanner> memStoreScanners)
961    throws IOException {
962    if (CollectionUtils.isEmpty(sfs) && CollectionUtils.isEmpty(memStoreScanners)) {
963      return;
964    }
965    boolean updateReaders = false;
966    flushLock.lock();
967    try {
968      if (!closeLock.tryLock()) {
969        // The reason for doing this is that when the current store scanner does not retrieve
970        // any new cells, then the scanner is considered to be done. The heap of this scanner
971        // is not closed till the shipped() call is completed. Hence in that case if at all
972        // the partial close (close (false)) has been called before updateReaders(), there is no
973        // need for the updateReaders() to happen.
974        LOG.debug("StoreScanner already has the close lock. There is no need to updateReaders");
975        // no lock acquired.
976        clearAndClose(memStoreScanners);
977        return;
978      }
979      // lock acquired
980      updateReaders = true;
981      if (this.closing) {
982        LOG.debug("StoreScanner already closing. There is no need to updateReaders");
983        clearAndClose(memStoreScanners);
984        return;
985      }
986      flushed = true;
987      final boolean isCompaction = false;
988      boolean usePread = get || scanUsePread;
989      // SEE HBASE-19468 where the flushed files are getting compacted even before a scanner
990      // calls next(). So its better we create scanners here rather than next() call. Ensure
991      // these scanners are properly closed() whether or not the scan is completed successfully
992      // Eagerly creating scanners so that we have the ref counting ticking on the newly created
993      // store files. In case of stream scanners this eager creation does not induce performance
994      // penalty because in scans (that uses stream scanners) the next() call is bound to happen.
995      List<KeyValueScanner> scanners = store.getScanners(sfs, cacheBlocks, get, usePread,
996        isCompaction, matcher, scan.getStartRow(), scan.getStopRow(), this.readPt, false);
997      flushedstoreFileScanners.addAll(scanners);
998      if (!CollectionUtils.isEmpty(memStoreScanners)) {
999        clearAndClose(memStoreScannersAfterFlush);
1000        memStoreScannersAfterFlush.addAll(memStoreScanners);
1001      }
1002    } finally {
1003      flushLock.unlock();
1004      if (updateReaders) {
1005        closeLock.unlock();
1006      }
1007    }
1008    // Let the next() call handle re-creating and seeking
1009  }
1011  /** Returns if top of heap has changed (and KeyValueHeap has to try the next KV) */
1012  protected final boolean reopenAfterFlush() throws IOException {
1013    // here we can make sure that we have a Store instance so no null check on store.
1014    Cell lastTop = heap.peek();
1015    // When we have the scan object, should we not pass it to getScanners() to get a limited set of
1016    // scanners? We did so in the constructor and we could have done it now by storing the scan
1017    // object from the constructor
1018    List<KeyValueScanner> scanners;
1019    flushLock.lock();
1020    try {
1021      List<KeyValueScanner> allScanners =
1022        new ArrayList<>(flushedstoreFileScanners.size() + memStoreScannersAfterFlush.size());
1023      allScanners.addAll(flushedstoreFileScanners);
1024      allScanners.addAll(memStoreScannersAfterFlush);
1025      scanners = selectScannersFrom(store, allScanners);
1026      // Clear the current set of flushed store files scanners so that they don't get added again
1027      flushedstoreFileScanners.clear();
1028      memStoreScannersAfterFlush.clear();
1029    } finally {
1030      flushLock.unlock();
1031    }
1033    // Seek the new scanners to the last key
1034    seekScanners(scanners, lastTop, false, parallelSeekEnabled);
1035    // remove the older memstore scanner
1036    for (int i = currentScanners.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
1037      if (!currentScanners.get(i).isFileScanner()) {
1038        scannersForDelayedClose.add(currentScanners.remove(i));
1039      } else {
1040        // we add the memstore scanner to the end of currentScanners
1041        break;
1042      }
1043    }
1044    // add the newly created scanners on the flushed files and the current active memstore scanner
1045    addCurrentScanners(scanners);
1046    // Combine all seeked scanners with a heap
1047    resetKVHeap(this.currentScanners, store.getComparator());
1048    resetQueryMatcher(lastTop);
1049    if (heap.peek() == null || store.getComparator().compareRows(lastTop, this.heap.peek()) != 0) {
1050      LOG.info("Storescanner.peek() is changed where before = " + lastTop.toString()
1051        + ",and after = " + heap.peek());
1052      topChanged = true;
1053    } else {
1054      topChanged = false;
1055    }
1056    return topChanged;
1057  }
1059  private void resetQueryMatcher(Cell lastTopKey) {
1060    // Reset the state of the Query Matcher and set to top row.
1061    // Only reset and call setRow if the row changes; avoids confusing the
1062    // query matcher if scanning intra-row.
1063    Cell cell = heap.peek();
1064    if (cell == null) {
1065      cell = lastTopKey;
1066    }
1067    if ((matcher.currentRow() == null) || !CellUtil.matchingRows(cell, matcher.currentRow())) {
1068      this.countPerRow = 0;
1069      // The setToNewRow will call reset internally
1070      matcher.setToNewRow(cell);
1071    }
1072  }
1074  /**
1075   * Check whether scan as expected order
1076   */
1077  protected void checkScanOrder(Cell prevKV, Cell kv, CellComparator comparator)
1078    throws IOException {
1079    // Check that the heap gives us KVs in an increasing order.
1080    assert prevKV == null || comparator == null || comparator.compare(prevKV, kv) <= 0
1081      : "Key " + prevKV + " followed by a smaller key " + kv + " in cf " + store;
1082  }
1084  protected boolean seekToNextRow(Cell c) throws IOException {
1085    return reseek(PrivateCellUtil.createLastOnRow(c));
1086  }
1088  /**
1089   * Do a reseek in a normal StoreScanner(scan forward)
1090   * @return true if scanner has values left, false if end of scanner
1091   */
1092  protected boolean seekAsDirection(Cell kv) throws IOException {
1093    return reseek(kv);
1094  }
1096  @Override
1097  public boolean reseek(Cell kv) throws IOException {
1098    if (checkFlushed()) {
1099      reopenAfterFlush();
1100    }
1101    if (explicitColumnQuery && lazySeekEnabledGlobally) {
1102      return heap.requestSeek(kv, true, useRowColBloom);
1103    }
1104    return heap.reseek(kv);
1105  }
1107  void trySwitchToStreamRead() {
1108    if (
1109      readType != Scan.ReadType.DEFAULT || !scanUsePread || closing || heap.peek() == null
1110        || bytesRead < preadMaxBytes
1111    ) {
1112      return;
1113    }
1114    LOG.debug("Switch to stream read (scanned={} bytes) of {}", bytesRead,
1115      this.store.getColumnFamilyName());
1116    scanUsePread = false;
1117    Cell lastTop = heap.peek();
1118    List<KeyValueScanner> memstoreScanners = new ArrayList<>();
1119    List<KeyValueScanner> scannersToClose = new ArrayList<>();
1120    for (KeyValueScanner kvs : currentScanners) {
1121      if (!kvs.isFileScanner()) {
1122        // collect memstorescanners here
1123        memstoreScanners.add(kvs);
1124      } else {
1125        scannersToClose.add(kvs);
1126      }
1127    }
1128    List<KeyValueScanner> fileScanners = null;
1129    List<KeyValueScanner> newCurrentScanners;
1130    KeyValueHeap newHeap;
1131    try {
1132      // We must have a store instance here so no null check
1133      // recreate the scanners on the current file scanners
1134      fileScanners = store.recreateScanners(scannersToClose, cacheBlocks, false, false, matcher,
1135        scan.getStartRow(), scan.includeStartRow(), scan.getStopRow(), scan.includeStopRow(),
1136        readPt, false);
1137      if (fileScanners == null) {
1138        return;
1139      }
1140      seekScanners(fileScanners, lastTop, false, parallelSeekEnabled);
1141      newCurrentScanners = new ArrayList<>(fileScanners.size() + memstoreScanners.size());
1142      newCurrentScanners.addAll(fileScanners);
1143      newCurrentScanners.addAll(memstoreScanners);
1144      newHeap = newKVHeap(newCurrentScanners, comparator);
1145    } catch (Exception e) {
1146      LOG.warn("failed to switch to stream read", e);
1147      if (fileScanners != null) {
1148        fileScanners.forEach(KeyValueScanner::close);
1149      }
1150      return;
1151    }
1152    currentScanners.clear();
1153    addCurrentScanners(newCurrentScanners);
1154    this.heap = newHeap;
1155    resetQueryMatcher(lastTop);
1156    scannersToClose.forEach(KeyValueScanner::close);
1157  }
1159  protected final boolean checkFlushed() {
1160    // check the var without any lock. Suppose even if we see the old
1161    // value here still it is ok to continue because we will not be resetting
1162    // the heap but will continue with the referenced memstore's snapshot. For compactions
1163    // any way we don't need the updateReaders at all to happen as we still continue with
1164    // the older files
1165    if (flushed) {
1166      // If there is a flush and the current scan is notified on the flush ensure that the
1167      // scan's heap gets reset and we do a seek on the newly flushed file.
1168      if (this.closing) {
1169        return false;
1170      }
1171      // reset the flag
1172      flushed = false;
1173      return true;
1174    }
1175    return false;
1176  }
1178  /**
1179   * Seek storefiles in parallel to optimize IO latency as much as possible
1180   * @param scanners the list {@link KeyValueScanner}s to be read from
1181   * @param kv       the KeyValue on which the operation is being requested
1182   */
1183  private void parallelSeek(final List<? extends KeyValueScanner> scanners, final Cell kv)
1184    throws IOException {
1185    if (scanners.isEmpty()) return;
1186    int storeFileScannerCount = scanners.size();
1187    CountDownLatch latch = new CountDownLatch(storeFileScannerCount);
1188    List<ParallelSeekHandler> handlers = new ArrayList<>(storeFileScannerCount);
1189    for (KeyValueScanner scanner : scanners) {
1190      if (scanner instanceof StoreFileScanner) {
1191        ParallelSeekHandler seekHandler = new ParallelSeekHandler(scanner, kv, this.readPt, latch);
1192        executor.submit(seekHandler);
1193        handlers.add(seekHandler);
1194      } else {
1195        scanner.seek(kv);
1196        latch.countDown();
1197      }
1198    }
1200    try {
1201      latch.await();
1202    } catch (InterruptedException ie) {
1203      throw (InterruptedIOException) new InterruptedIOException().initCause(ie);
1204    }
1206    for (ParallelSeekHandler handler : handlers) {
1207      if (handler.getErr() != null) {
1208        throw new IOException(handler.getErr());
1209      }
1210    }
1211  }
1213  /**
1214   * Used in testing.
1215   * @return all scanners in no particular order
1216   */
1217  List<KeyValueScanner> getAllScannersForTesting() {
1218    List<KeyValueScanner> allScanners = new ArrayList<>();
1219    KeyValueScanner current = heap.getCurrentForTesting();
1220    if (current != null) allScanners.add(current);
1221    for (KeyValueScanner scanner : heap.getHeap())
1222      allScanners.add(scanner);
1223    return allScanners;
1224  }
1226  static void enableLazySeekGlobally(boolean enable) {
1227    lazySeekEnabledGlobally = enable;
1228  }
1230  /** Returns The estimated number of KVs seen by this scanner (includes some skipped KVs). */
1231  public long getEstimatedNumberOfKvsScanned() {
1232    return this.kvsScanned;
1233  }
1235  @Override
1236  public Cell getNextIndexedKey() {
1237    return this.heap.getNextIndexedKey();
1238  }
1240  @Override
1241  public void shipped() throws IOException {
1242    if (prevCell != null) {
1243      // Do the copy here so that in case the prevCell ref is pointing to the previous
1244      // blocks we can safely release those blocks.
1245      // This applies to blocks that are got from Bucket cache, L1 cache and the blocks
1246      // fetched from HDFS. Copying this would ensure that we let go the references to these
1247      // blocks so that they can be GCed safely(in case of bucket cache)
1248      prevCell = KeyValueUtil.toNewKeyCell(this.prevCell);
1249    }
1250    matcher.beforeShipped();
1251    // There wont be further fetch of Cells from these scanners. Just close.
1252    clearAndClose(scannersForDelayedClose);
1253    if (this.heap != null) {
1254      this.heap.shipped();
1255      // When switching from pread to stream, we will open a new scanner for each store file, but
1256      // the old scanner may still track the HFileBlocks we have scanned but not sent back to client
1257      // yet. If we close the scanner immediately then the HFileBlocks may be messed up by others
1258      // before we serialize and send it back to client. The HFileBlocks will be released in shipped
1259      // method, so we here will also open new scanners and close old scanners in shipped method.
1260      // See HBASE-18055 for more details.
1261      trySwitchToStreamRead();
1262    }
1263  }