Class IntegrationTestBigLinkedListWithVisibility

All Implemented Interfaces:
org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configurable, org.apache.hadoop.util.Tool

IT test used to verify the deletes with visibility labels. The test creates three tables tablename_0, tablename_1 and tablename_2 and each table is associated with a unique pair of labels. Another common table with the name 'commontable' is created and it has the data combined from all these 3 tables such that there are 3 versions of every row but the visibility label in every row corresponds to the table from which the row originated. Then deletes are issued to the common table by selecting the visibility label associated with each of the smaller tables. After the delete is issued with one set of visibility labels we try to scan the common table with each of the visibility pairs defined for the 3 tables. So after the first delete is issued, a scan with the first set of visibility labels would return zero result whereas the scan issued with the other two sets of visibility labels should return all the rows corresponding to that set of visibility labels. The above process of delete and scan is repeated until after the last set of visibility labels are used for the deletes the common table should not return any row. To use this ./hbase org.apache.hadoop.hbase.test.IntegrationTestBigLinkedListWithVisibility Loop 1 1 20000 /tmp 1 10000 or ./hbase org.apache.hadoop.hbase.IntegrationTestsDriver -r .*IntegrationTestBigLinkedListWithVisibility.*