Uses of Package

Packages that use org.apache.hadoop.hbase
Provides HBase Client
Provides client classes for invoking Coprocessor RPC protocols Overview Example Usage
Restrict the domain of a data attribute, often times to fulfill business rules/requirements.
Table of Contents
Provides row-level filters applied to HRegion scan results during calls to
Provides implementations of HFile and HFile BlockCache.
Tools to help define network clients and servers.
Provides HBase MapReduce Input/OutputFormats, a table indexing MapReduce job, and utility methods.
Provides HBase MapReduce Input/OutputFormats, a table indexing MapReduce job, and utility methods.
This package should be in the hbase-http module as a.a.h.h.http.gson.
The Region Normalizer subsystem is responsible for coaxing all the regions in a table toward a "normal" size, according to their storefile size.
Multi Cluster Replication
Provides an HBase Thrift service.
Provides an HBase Thrift service.
This package provides fully-functional exemplar Java code demonstrating simple usage of the hbase-client API, for incorporation into a Maven archetype with hbase-client dependency.
This package provides fully-functional exemplar Java code demonstrating simple usage of the hbase-client API, for incorporation into a Maven archetype with hbase-shaded-client dependency.