Interface FavoredNodesForRegion

All Known Subinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
HRegionServer, MiniHBaseCluster.MiniHBaseClusterRegionServer

@Private public interface FavoredNodesForRegion
Abstraction that allows different modules in RegionServer to update/get the favored nodes information for regions.
  • Method Details

    • updateRegionFavoredNodesMapping

      void updateRegionFavoredNodesMapping(String encodedRegionName, List<org.apache.hadoop.hbase.shaded.protobuf.generated.HBaseProtos.ServerName> favoredNodes)
      Used to update the favored nodes mapping when required.
    • getFavoredNodesForRegion

      Get the favored nodes mapping for this region. Used when the HDFS create API is invoked to pass in favored nodes hints for new region files.
      array containing the favored nodes' InetSocketAddresses