Interface ReplicationSinkService

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@Private public interface ReplicationSinkService extends ReplicationService
A sink for a replication stream has to expose this service. This service allows an application to hook into the regionserver and behave as a replication sink.
  • Method Details

    • replicateLogEntries

      void replicateLogEntries(List<org.apache.hadoop.hbase.shaded.protobuf.generated.AdminProtos.WALEntry> entries, ExtendedCellScanner cells, String replicationClusterId, String sourceBaseNamespaceDirPath, String sourceHFileArchiveDirPath) throws IOException
      Carry on the list of log entries down to the sink
      entries - list of WALEntries to replicate
      cells - Cells that the WALEntries refer to (if cells is non-null)
      replicationClusterId - Id which will uniquely identify source cluster FS client configurations in the replication configuration directory
      sourceBaseNamespaceDirPath - Path that point to the source cluster base namespace directory required for replicating hfiles
      sourceHFileArchiveDirPath - Path that point to the source cluster hfile archive directory