Interface StoreConfigInformation

All Known Implementing Classes:
HMobStore, HStore

@Private @Unstable public interface StoreConfigInformation
A more restricted interface for HStore. Only gives the caller access to information about store configuration/settings that cannot easily be obtained from XML config object. Example user would be CompactionPolicy that doesn't need entire (H)Store, only this. Add things here as needed.
  • Method Details

    • getMemStoreFlushSize

      Returns Gets the Memstore flush size for the region that this store works with.
    • getStoreFileTtl

      Returns Gets the cf-specific time-to-live for store files.
    • getCompactionCheckMultiplier

      Gets the cf-specific compaction check frequency multiplier. The need for compaction (outside of normal checks during flush, open, etc.) will be ascertained every multiplier * HConstants.THREAD_WAKE_FREQUENCY milliseconds.
    • getBlockingFileCount

      The number of files required before flushes for this store will be blocked.
    • getRegionInfo

    • getColumnFamilyName