Interface StoreFile

All Known Implementing Classes:

@LimitedPrivate("Coprocesssor") @Evolving public interface StoreFile
An interface to describe a store data file.

NOTICE: this interface is mainly designed for coprocessor, so it will not expose all the internal APIs for a 'store file'. If you are implementing something inside HBase, i.e, not a coprocessor hook, usually you should use HStoreFile directly as it is the only implementation of this interface.

  • Method Details

    • getFirstKey

      Get the first key in this store file.
    • getLastKey

      Get the last key in this store file.
    • getComparator

      Get the comparator for comparing two cells.
    • getMaxMemStoreTS

      Get max of the MemstoreTS in the KV's in this store file.
    • getPath

      org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path getPath()
      Returns Path or null if this StoreFile was made with a Stream.
    • getEncodedPath

      org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path getEncodedPath()
      Returns Encoded Path if this StoreFile was made with a Stream.
    • getQualifiedPath

      org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path getQualifiedPath()
      Returns Returns the qualified path of this StoreFile
    • isReference

      boolean isReference()
      Returns True if this is a StoreFile Reference.
    • isHFile

      boolean isHFile()
      Returns True if this is HFile.
    • isMajorCompactionResult

      Returns True if this file was made by a major compaction.
    • excludeFromMinorCompaction

      Returns True if this file should not be part of a minor compaction.
    • getMaxSequenceId

      Returns This files maximum edit sequence id.
    • getModificationTimestamp

      Get the modification time of this store file. Usually will access the file system so throws IOException.
    • isBulkLoadResult

      boolean isBulkLoadResult()
      Check if this storefile was created by bulk load. When a hfile is bulk loaded into HBase, we append '_SeqId_<id-when-loaded>' to the hfile name, unless "hbase.mapreduce.bulkload.assign.sequenceNumbers" is explicitly turned off. If "hbase.mapreduce.bulkload.assign.sequenceNumbers" is turned off, fall back to BULKLOAD_TIME_KEY.
      true if this storefile was created by bulk load.
    • getBulkLoadTimestamp

      Return the timestamp at which this bulk load file was generated.
    • toStringDetailed

      Returns a length description of this StoreFile, suitable for debug output
    • getMinimumTimestamp

      Get the min timestamp of all the cells in the store file.
    • getMaximumTimestamp

      Get the max timestamp of all the cells in the store file.