002 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
003 * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
004 * distributed with this work for additional information
005 * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
006 * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
007 * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
008 * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
009 *
010 *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
011 *
012 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
013 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
014 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
015 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
016 * limitations under the License.
017 */
018package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.mapreduce;
020import com.google.errorprone.annotations.RestrictedApi;
021import java.io.IOException;
022import java.util.ArrayList;
023import java.util.List;
024import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;
025import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration;
026import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.Cell;
027import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.HConstants;
028import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Result;
029import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Scan;
030import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.filter.FilterBase;
031import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.filter.FirstKeyOnlyFilter;
032import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.filter.MultiRowRangeFilter;
033import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.io.ImmutableBytesWritable;
034import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.AbstractHBaseTool;
035import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.Bytes;
036import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.Counter;
037import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.Job;
038import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.Mapper;
039import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.lib.output.NullOutputFormat;
040import org.apache.yetus.audience.InterfaceAudience;
041import org.slf4j.Logger;
042import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
044import org.apache.hbase.thirdparty.com.google.common.base.Splitter;
045import org.apache.hbase.thirdparty.org.apache.commons.cli.BasicParser;
046import org.apache.hbase.thirdparty.org.apache.commons.cli.CommandLine;
047import org.apache.hbase.thirdparty.org.apache.commons.cli.CommandLineParser;
048import org.apache.hbase.thirdparty.org.apache.commons.cli.HelpFormatter;
049import org.apache.hbase.thirdparty.org.apache.commons.cli.MissingOptionException;
050import org.apache.hbase.thirdparty.org.apache.commons.cli.Option;
053 * A job with a just a map phase to count rows. Map outputs table rows IF the input row has columns
054 * that have content.
055 */
057public class RowCounter extends AbstractHBaseTool {
059  private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(RowCounter.class);
061  /** Name of this 'program'. */
062  static final String NAME = "rowcounter";
064  private final static String JOB_NAME_CONF_KEY = "mapreduce.job.name";
065  private final static String EXPECTED_COUNT_KEY = RowCounter.class.getName() + ".expected_count";
067  private final static String OPT_START_TIME = "starttime";
068  private final static String OPT_END_TIME = "endtime";
069  private final static String OPT_RANGE = "range";
070  private final static String OPT_EXPECTED_COUNT = "expectedCount";
071  private final static String OPT_COUNT_DELETE_MARKERS = "countDeleteMarkers";
073  private String tableName;
074  private List<MultiRowRangeFilter.RowRange> rowRangeList;
075  private long startTime;
076  private long endTime;
077  private long expectedCount;
078  private boolean countDeleteMarkers;
079  private List<String> columns = new ArrayList<>();
081  private Job job;
083  /**
084   * Mapper that runs the count.
085   */
086  static class RowCounterMapper extends TableMapper<ImmutableBytesWritable, Result> {
088    /** Counter enumeration to count the actual rows, cells and delete markers. */
089    public static enum Counters {
090      ROWS,
091      DELETE,
096    }
098    private boolean countDeleteMarkers;
100    @Override
101    protected void
102      setup(Mapper<ImmutableBytesWritable, Result, ImmutableBytesWritable, Result>.Context context)
103        throws IOException, InterruptedException {
104      Configuration conf = context.getConfiguration();
105      countDeleteMarkers = conf.getBoolean(OPT_COUNT_DELETE_MARKERS, false);
106    }
108    /**
109     * Maps the data.
110     * @param row     The current table row key.
111     * @param values  The columns.
112     * @param context The current context.
113     * @throws IOException When something is broken with the data.
114     * @see org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.Mapper#map(Object, Object, Context)
115     */
116    @Override
117    public void map(ImmutableBytesWritable row, Result values, Context context) throws IOException {
118      // Count every row containing data, whether it's in qualifiers or values
119      context.getCounter(Counters.ROWS).increment(1);
121      if (countDeleteMarkers) {
122        boolean rowContainsDeleteMarker = false;
123        for (Cell cell : values.rawCells()) {
124          Cell.Type type = cell.getType();
125          switch (type) {
126            case Delete:
127              rowContainsDeleteMarker = true;
128              context.getCounter(Counters.DELETE).increment(1);
129              break;
130            case DeleteColumn:
131              rowContainsDeleteMarker = true;
132              context.getCounter(Counters.DELETE_COLUMN).increment(1);
133              break;
134            case DeleteFamily:
135              rowContainsDeleteMarker = true;
136              context.getCounter(Counters.DELETE_FAMILY).increment(1);
137              break;
138            case DeleteFamilyVersion:
139              rowContainsDeleteMarker = true;
140              context.getCounter(Counters.DELETE_FAMILY_VERSION).increment(1);
141              break;
142            default:
143              break;
144          }
145        }
147        if (rowContainsDeleteMarker) {
148          context.getCounter(Counters.ROWS_WITH_DELETE_MARKER).increment(1);
149        }
150      }
151    }
152  }
154  /**
155   * Sets up the actual job.
156   * @param conf The current configuration.
157   * @return The newly created job.
158   * @throws IOException When setting up the job fails.
159   */
160  public Job createSubmittableJob(Configuration conf) throws IOException {
161    conf.setBoolean(OPT_COUNT_DELETE_MARKERS, this.countDeleteMarkers);
162    Job job = Job.getInstance(conf, conf.get(JOB_NAME_CONF_KEY, NAME + "_" + tableName));
163    job.setJarByClass(RowCounter.class);
164    Scan scan = new Scan();
165    // raw scan will be needed to account for delete markers when --countDeleteMarkers flag is set
166    scan.setRaw(this.countDeleteMarkers);
167    scan.setCacheBlocks(false);
168    setScanFilter(scan, rowRangeList, this.countDeleteMarkers);
170    for (String columnName : this.columns) {
171      String family = StringUtils.substringBefore(columnName, ":");
172      String qualifier = StringUtils.substringAfter(columnName, ":");
173      if (StringUtils.isBlank(qualifier)) {
174        scan.addFamily(Bytes.toBytes(family));
175      } else {
176        scan.addColumn(Bytes.toBytes(family), Bytes.toBytes(qualifier));
177      }
178    }
180    if (this.expectedCount >= 0) {
181      conf.setLong(EXPECTED_COUNT_KEY, this.expectedCount);
182    }
184    scan.setTimeRange(startTime, endTime);
185    job.setOutputFormatClass(NullOutputFormat.class);
186    TableMapReduceUtil.initTableMapperJob(tableName, scan, RowCounterMapper.class,
187      ImmutableBytesWritable.class, Result.class, job);
188    job.setNumReduceTasks(0);
189    return job;
190  }
192  /**
193   * Sets up the actual job.
194   * @param conf The current configuration.
195   * @param args The command line parameters.
196   * @return The newly created job.
197   * @throws IOException When setting up the job fails.
198   * @deprecated as of release 2.3.0. Will be removed on 4.0.0. Please use main method instead.
199   */
200  @Deprecated
201  public static Job createSubmittableJob(Configuration conf, String[] args) throws IOException {
202    String tableName = args[0];
203    List<MultiRowRangeFilter.RowRange> rowRangeList = null;
204    long startTime = 0;
205    long endTime = 0;
206    boolean countDeleteMarkers = false;
208    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
210    final String rangeSwitch = "--range=";
211    final String startTimeArgKey = "--starttime=";
212    final String endTimeArgKey = "--endtime=";
213    final String expectedCountArg = "--expected-count=";
214    final String countDeleteMarkersArg = "--countDeleteMarkers";
216    // First argument is table name, starting from second
217    for (int i = 1; i < args.length; i++) {
218      if (args[i].startsWith(rangeSwitch)) {
219        try {
220          rowRangeList = parseRowRangeParameter(
221            args[i].substring(args[1].indexOf(rangeSwitch) + rangeSwitch.length()));
222        } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
223          return null;
224        }
225        continue;
226      }
227      if (args[i].startsWith(startTimeArgKey)) {
228        startTime = Long.parseLong(args[i].substring(startTimeArgKey.length()));
229        continue;
230      }
231      if (args[i].startsWith(endTimeArgKey)) {
232        endTime = Long.parseLong(args[i].substring(endTimeArgKey.length()));
233        continue;
234      }
235      if (args[i].startsWith(expectedCountArg)) {
236        conf.setLong(EXPECTED_COUNT_KEY,
237          Long.parseLong(args[i].substring(expectedCountArg.length())));
238        continue;
239      }
240      if (args[i].startsWith(countDeleteMarkersArg)) {
241        countDeleteMarkers = true;
242        continue;
243      }
244      // if no switch, assume column names
245      sb.append(args[i]);
246      sb.append(" ");
247    }
248    conf.setBoolean(OPT_COUNT_DELETE_MARKERS, countDeleteMarkers);
249    if (endTime < startTime) {
250      printUsage("--endtime=" + endTime + " needs to be greater than --starttime=" + startTime);
251      return null;
252    }
254    Job job = Job.getInstance(conf, conf.get(JOB_NAME_CONF_KEY, NAME + "_" + tableName));
255    job.setJarByClass(RowCounter.class);
256    Scan scan = new Scan();
257    scan.setCacheBlocks(false);
258    // raw scan will be needed to account for delete markers when --countDeleteMarkers flag is set
259    scan.setRaw(countDeleteMarkers);
260    setScanFilter(scan, rowRangeList, countDeleteMarkers);
261    if (sb.length() > 0) {
262      for (String columnName : sb.toString().trim().split(" ")) {
263        String family = StringUtils.substringBefore(columnName, ":");
264        String qualifier = StringUtils.substringAfter(columnName, ":");
266        if (StringUtils.isBlank(qualifier)) {
267          scan.addFamily(Bytes.toBytes(family));
268        } else {
269          scan.addColumn(Bytes.toBytes(family), Bytes.toBytes(qualifier));
270        }
271      }
272    }
273    scan.setTimeRange(startTime, endTime == 0 ? HConstants.LATEST_TIMESTAMP : endTime);
274    job.setOutputFormatClass(NullOutputFormat.class);
275    TableMapReduceUtil.initTableMapperJob(tableName, scan, RowCounterMapper.class,
276      ImmutableBytesWritable.class, Result.class, job);
277    job.setNumReduceTasks(0);
278    return job;
279  }
281  /**
282   * Prints usage without error message. Note that we don't document --expected-count, because it's
283   * intended for test.
284   */
285  private static void printUsage(String errorMessage) {
286    System.err.println("ERROR: " + errorMessage);
287    System.err.println(
288      "Usage: hbase rowcounter [options] <tablename> " + "[--starttime=<start> --endtime=<end>] "
289        + "[--range=[startKey],[endKey][;[startKey],[endKey]...]] [<column1> <column2>...]");
290    System.err.println("For performance consider the following options:\n"
291      + "-Dhbase.client.scanner.caching=100\n" + "-Dmapreduce.map.speculative=false");
292  }
294  private static List<MultiRowRangeFilter.RowRange> parseRowRangeParameter(String arg) {
295    final List<String> rangesSplit = Splitter.on(";").splitToList(arg);
296    final List<MultiRowRangeFilter.RowRange> rangeList = new ArrayList<>();
297    for (String range : rangesSplit) {
298      if (range != null && !range.isEmpty()) {
299        List<String> startEnd = Splitter.on(",").splitToList(range);
300        if (startEnd.size() != 2 || startEnd.get(1).contains(",")) {
301          throw new IllegalArgumentException("Wrong range specification: " + range);
302        }
303        String startKey = startEnd.get(0);
304        String endKey = startEnd.get(1);
305        rangeList.add(new MultiRowRangeFilter.RowRange(Bytes.toBytesBinary(startKey), true,
306          Bytes.toBytesBinary(endKey), false));
307      }
308    }
309    return rangeList;
310  }
312  /**
313   * Sets filter {@link FilterBase} to the {@link Scan} instance. If provided rowRangeList contains
314   * more than one element, method sets filter which is instance of {@link MultiRowRangeFilter}.
315   * Otherwise, method sets filter which is instance of {@link FirstKeyOnlyFilter}. If rowRangeList
316   * contains exactly one element, startRow and stopRow are set to the scan.
317   */
318  private static void setScanFilter(Scan scan, List<MultiRowRangeFilter.RowRange> rowRangeList,
319    boolean countDeleteMarkers) {
320    final int size = rowRangeList == null ? 0 : rowRangeList.size();
321    // all cells will be needed if --countDeleteMarkers flag is set, hence, skipping filter
322    if (size <= 1 && !countDeleteMarkers) {
323      scan.setFilter(new FirstKeyOnlyFilter());
324    }
325    if (size == 1) {
326      MultiRowRangeFilter.RowRange range = rowRangeList.get(0);
327      scan.withStartRow(range.getStartRow()); // inclusive
328      scan.withStopRow(range.getStopRow()); // exclusive
329    } else if (size > 1) {
330      scan.setFilter(new MultiRowRangeFilter(rowRangeList));
331    }
332  }
334  @Override
335  protected void printUsage() {
336    StringBuilder footerBuilder = new StringBuilder();
337    footerBuilder.append("For performance, consider the following configuration properties:\n");
338    footerBuilder.append("-Dhbase.client.scanner.caching=100\n");
339    footerBuilder.append("-Dmapreduce.map.speculative=false\n");
340    printUsage("hbase rowcounter <tablename> [options] [<column1> <column2>...]", "Options:",
341      footerBuilder.toString());
342  }
344  @Override
345  protected void printUsage(final String usageStr, final String usageHeader,
346    final String usageFooter) {
347    HelpFormatter helpFormatter = new HelpFormatter();
348    helpFormatter.setWidth(120);
349    helpFormatter.setOptionComparator(new AbstractHBaseTool.OptionsOrderComparator());
350    helpFormatter.setLongOptSeparator("=");
351    helpFormatter.printHelp(usageStr, usageHeader, options, usageFooter);
352  }
354  @Override
355  protected void addOptions() {
356    Option startTimeOption = Option.builder(null).valueSeparator('=').hasArg(true)
357      .desc("starting time filter to start counting rows from.").longOpt(OPT_START_TIME).build();
358    Option endTimeOption = Option.builder(null).valueSeparator('=').hasArg(true)
359      .desc("end time filter limit, to only count rows up to this timestamp.").longOpt(OPT_END_TIME)
360      .build();
361    Option rangeOption = Option.builder(null).valueSeparator('=').hasArg(true)
362      .desc("[startKey],[endKey][;[startKey],[endKey]...]]").longOpt(OPT_RANGE).build();
363    Option expectedOption = Option.builder(null).valueSeparator('=').hasArg(true)
364      .desc("expected number of rows to be count.").longOpt(OPT_EXPECTED_COUNT).build();
365    Option countDeleteMarkersOption = Option.builder(null).hasArg(false)
366      .desc("counts the number of Delete Markers of all types, i.e. "
368      .longOpt(OPT_COUNT_DELETE_MARKERS).build();
369    addOption(startTimeOption);
370    addOption(endTimeOption);
371    addOption(rangeOption);
372    addOption(expectedOption);
373    addOption(countDeleteMarkersOption);
374  }
376  @Override
377  protected void processOptions(CommandLine cmd) throws IllegalArgumentException {
378    this.tableName = cmd.getArgList().get(0);
379    if (cmd.getOptionValue(OPT_RANGE) != null) {
380      this.rowRangeList = parseRowRangeParameter(cmd.getOptionValue(OPT_RANGE));
381    }
382    this.endTime = cmd.getOptionValue(OPT_END_TIME) == null
383      ? HConstants.LATEST_TIMESTAMP
384      : Long.parseLong(cmd.getOptionValue(OPT_END_TIME));
385    this.expectedCount = cmd.getOptionValue(OPT_EXPECTED_COUNT) == null
386      ? Long.MIN_VALUE
387      : Long.parseLong(cmd.getOptionValue(OPT_EXPECTED_COUNT));
388    this.startTime = cmd.getOptionValue(OPT_START_TIME) == null
389      ? 0
390      : Long.parseLong(cmd.getOptionValue(OPT_START_TIME));
391    this.countDeleteMarkers = cmd.hasOption(OPT_COUNT_DELETE_MARKERS);
393    for (int i = 1; i < cmd.getArgList().size(); i++) {
394      String argument = cmd.getArgList().get(i);
395      if (!argument.startsWith("-")) {
396        this.columns.add(argument);
397      }
398    }
400    if (endTime < startTime) {
401      throw new IllegalArgumentException(
402        "--endtime=" + endTime + " needs to be greater than --starttime=" + startTime);
403    }
404  }
406  @Override
407  protected void processOldArgs(List<String> args) {
408    List<String> copiedArgs = new ArrayList<>(args);
409    args.removeAll(copiedArgs);
410    for (String arg : copiedArgs) {
411      if (arg.startsWith("-") && arg.contains("=")) {
412        String[] kv = arg.split("=");
413        args.add(kv[0]);
414        args.add(kv[1]);
415      } else {
416        args.add(arg);
417      }
418    }
419  }
421  @Override
422  protected int doWork() throws Exception {
423    job = createSubmittableJob(getConf());
424    if (job == null) {
425      return -1;
426    }
427    boolean success = job.waitForCompletion(true);
428    final long expectedCount = getConf().getLong(EXPECTED_COUNT_KEY, -1);
429    if (success && expectedCount != -1) {
430      final Counter counter = job.getCounters().findCounter(RowCounterMapper.Counters.ROWS);
431      success = expectedCount == counter.getValue();
432      if (!success) {
433        LOG.error("Failing job because count of '" + counter.getValue()
434          + "' does not match expected count of '" + expectedCount + "'");
435      }
436    }
437    return (success ? 0 : 1);
438  }
440  /**
441   * Main entry point.
442   * @param args The command line parameters.
443   * @throws Exception When running the job fails.
444   */
445  public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
446    new RowCounter().doStaticMain(args);
447  }
449  static class RowCounterCommandLineParser extends BasicParser {
451    @Override
452    protected void checkRequiredOptions() throws MissingOptionException {
453      if (this.cmd.getArgList().size() < 1 || this.cmd.getArgList().get(0).startsWith("-")) {
454        throw new MissingOptionException("First argument must be a valid table name.");
455      }
456    }
457  }
459  @Override
460  protected CommandLineParser newParser() {
461    return new RowCounterCommandLineParser();
462  }
464  @RestrictedApi(explanation = "Only visible for testing", link = "",
465      allowedOnPath = ".*/src/test/.*")
466  Job getMapReduceJob() {
467    return job;
468  }