Class PreemptiveFastFailInterceptor


The concrete RetryingCallerInterceptor class that implements the preemptive fast fail feature.

The motivation is as follows : In case where a large number of clients try and talk to a particular region server in hbase, if the region server goes down due to network problems, we might end up in a scenario where the clients would go into a state where they all start to retry. This behavior will set off many of the threads in pretty much the same path and they all would be sleeping giving rise to a state where the client either needs to create more threads to send new requests to other hbase machines or block because the client cannot create anymore threads.

In most cases the clients might prefer to have a bound on the number of threads that are created in order to send requests to hbase. This would mostly result in the client thread starvation.

To circumvent this problem, the approach that is being taken here under is to let 1 of the many threads who are trying to contact the regionserver with connection problems and let the other threads get a PreemptiveFastFailException so that they can move on and take other requests.

This would give the client more flexibility on the kind of action he would want to take in cases where the regionserver is down. He can either discard the requests and send a nack upstream faster or have an application level retry or buffer the requests up so as to send them down to hbase later.