Class RetryingCallerInterceptor

Direct Known Subclasses:
NoOpRetryableCallerInterceptor, PreemptiveFastFailInterceptor

@Private abstract class RetryingCallerInterceptor extends Object
This class is designed to fit into the RetryingCaller class which forms the central piece of intelligence for the client side retries for most calls. One can extend this class and intercept the RetryingCaller and add additional logic into the execution of a simple HTable operations like get, delete etc. Concrete implementations of this calls are supposed to the thread safe. The object is used across threads to identify the fast failing threads. For a concrete use case see PreemptiveFastFailInterceptor Example use case : try { interceptor.intercept doAction() } catch (Exception e) { interceptor.handleFailure } finally { interceptor.updateFaulireInfo } The RetryingCallerInterceptor also acts as a factory for getting a new RetryingCallerInterceptorContext.