Class ProcedureCoordinator


@Private public class ProcedureCoordinator extends Object
This is the master side of a distributed complex procedure execution.

The Procedure is generic and subclassing or customization shouldn't be necessary -- any customization should happen just in Subprocedures.

  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • ProcedureCoordinator

      Create and start a ProcedureCoordinator. The rpc object registers the ProcedureCoordinator and starts any threads in this constructor.
      pool - Used for executing procedures.
    • ProcedureCoordinator

      public ProcedureCoordinator(ProcedureCoordinatorRpcs rpcs, ThreadPoolExecutor pool, long timeoutMillis, long wakeTimeMillis)
      Create and start a ProcedureCoordinator. The rpc object registers the ProcedureCoordinator and starts any threads in this constructor.
      pool - Used for executing procedures.
  • Method Details

    • defaultPool

      public static ThreadPoolExecutor defaultPool(String coordName, int opThreads)
      Default thread pool for the procedure
      opThreads - the maximum number of threads to allow in the pool
    • defaultPool

      public static ThreadPoolExecutor defaultPool(String coordName, int opThreads, long keepAliveMillis)
      Default thread pool for the procedure
      opThreads - the maximum number of threads to allow in the pool
      keepAliveMillis - the maximum time (ms) that excess idle threads will wait for new tasks
    • close

      public void close() throws IOException
      Shutdown the thread pools and release rpc resources
    • submitProcedure

      boolean submitProcedure(Procedure proc)
      Submit an procedure to kick off its dependent subprocedures.
      proc - Procedure to execute
      true if the procedure was started correctly, false if the procedure or any subprocedures could not be started. Failure could be due to submitting a procedure multiple times (or one with the same name), or some sort of IO problem. On errors, the procedure's monitor holds a reference to the exception that caused the failure.
    • rpcConnectionFailure

      void rpcConnectionFailure(String message, IOException cause)
      The connection to the rest of the procedure group (members and coordinator) has been broken/lost/failed. This should fail any interested procedures, but not attempt to notify other members since we cannot reach them anymore.
      message - description of the error
      cause - the actual cause of the failure
    • abortProcedure

      public void abortProcedure(String procName, ForeignException reason)
      Abort the procedure with the given name
      procName - name of the procedure to abort
      reason - serialized information about the abort
    • createProcedure

      Procedure createProcedure(ForeignExceptionDispatcher fed, String procName, byte[] procArgs, List<String> expectedMembers)
      Exposed for hooking with unit tests.
      the newly created procedure
    • startProcedure

      public Procedure startProcedure(ForeignExceptionDispatcher fed, String procName, byte[] procArgs, List<String> expectedMembers)
      Kick off the named procedure Currently only one procedure with the same type and name is allowed to run at a time.
      procName - name of the procedure to start
      procArgs - arguments for the procedure
      expectedMembers - expected members to start
      handle to the running procedure, if it was started correctly, null otherwise. Null could be due to submitting a procedure multiple times (or one with the same name), or runtime exception. Check the procedure's monitor that holds a reference to the exception that caused the failure.
    • memberAcquiredBarrier

      void memberAcquiredBarrier(String procName, String member)
      Notification that the procedure had the specified member acquired its part of the barrier via Subprocedure.acquireBarrier().
      procName - name of the procedure that acquired
      member - name of the member that acquired
    • memberFinishedBarrier

      void memberFinishedBarrier(String procName, String member, byte[] dataFromMember)
      Notification that the procedure had another member finished executing its in-barrier subproc via Subprocedure.insideBarrier().
      procName - name of the subprocedure that finished
      member - name of the member that executed and released its barrier
      dataFromMember - the data that the member returned along with the notification
    • getRpcs

      Returns the rpcs implementation for all current procedures
    • getProcedure

      public Procedure getProcedure(String name)
      Returns the procedure. This Procedure is a live instance so should not be modified but can be inspected.
      name - Name of the procedure
      Procedure or null if not present any more
    • getProcedureNames

      Returns Return set of all procedure names.