Class Subprocedure

All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:
FlushSnapshotSubprocedure, FlushTableSubprocedure, LogRollBackupSubprocedure, Subprocedure.SubprocedureImpl

@Private public abstract class Subprocedure extends Object implements Callable<Void>
Distributed procedure member's Subprocedure. A procedure is sarted on a ProcedureCoordinator which communicates with ProcedureMembers who create and start its part of the Procedure. This sub part is called a Subprocedure Users should subclass this and implement acquireBarrier() (get local barrier for this member), insideBarrier() (execute while globally barriered and release barrier) and cleanup(Exception) (release state associated with subprocedure.) When submitted to a ProcedureMember, the call method is executed in a separate thread. Latches are use too block its progress and trigger continuations when barrier conditions are met. Exception that makes it out of calls to acquireBarrier() or insideBarrier() gets converted into ForeignException, which will get propagated to the ProcedureCoordinator. There is a category of procedure (ex: online-snapshots), and a user-specified instance-specific barrierName. (ex: snapshot121126).
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • Subprocedure

      public Subprocedure(ProcedureMember member, String procName, ForeignExceptionDispatcher monitor, long wakeFrequency, long timeout)
      member - reference to the member managing this subprocedure
      procName - name of the procedure this subprocedure is associated with
      monitor - notified if there is an error in the subprocedure
      wakeFrequency - time in millis to wake to check if there is an error via the monitor (in milliseconds).
      timeout - time in millis that will trigger a subprocedure abort if it has not completed
  • Method Details

    • getName

      public String getName()
    • getMemberName

    • rethrowException

      private void rethrowException() throws ForeignException
    • call

      public final Void call()
      Execute the Subprocedure acquireBarrier() and insideBarrier() methods while keeping some state for other threads to access. This would normally be executed by the ProcedureMember when a acquire message comes from the coordinator. Rpcs are used to spend message back to the coordinator after different phases are executed. Any exceptions caught during the execution (except for InterruptedException) get converted and propagated to coordinator via ProcedureMemberRpcs.sendMemberAborted(Subprocedure, ForeignException).
      Specified by:
      call in interface Callable<Void>
    • isComplete

      boolean isComplete()
    • getErrorCheckable

      exposed for testing.
    • acquireBarrier

      public abstract void acquireBarrier() throws ForeignException
      The implementation of this method should gather and hold required resources (locks, disk space, etc) to satisfy the Procedures barrier condition. For example, this would be where to make all the regions on a RS on the quiescent for an procedure that required all regions to be globally quiesed. Users should override this method. If a quiescent is not required, this is overkill but can still be used to execute a procedure on all members and to propagate any exceptions.
    • insideBarrier

      public abstract byte[] insideBarrier() throws ForeignException
      The implementation of this method should act with the assumption that the barrier condition has been satisfied. Continuing the previous example, a condition could be that all RS's globally have been quiesced, and procedures that require this precondition could be implemented here. The implementation should also collect the result of the subprocedure as data to be returned to the coordinator upon successful completion. Users should override this method.
      the data the subprocedure wants to return to coordinator side.
    • cleanup

      public abstract void cleanup(Exception e)
      Users should override this method. This implementation of this method should rollback and cleanup any temporary or partially completed state that the acquireBarrier() may have created.
    • cancel

      public void cancel(String msg, Throwable cause)
      Method to cancel the Subprocedure by injecting an exception from and external source.
    • receiveReachedGlobalBarrier

      Callback for the member rpcs to call when the global barrier has been reached. This unblocks the main subprocedure exectuion thread so that the Subprocedure's insideBarrier() method can be run.
    • waitForReachedGlobalBarrier

      Wait for the reached global barrier notification. Package visibility for testing
    • waitForLocallyCompleted

      Waits until the entire procedure has globally completed, or has been aborted.