Interface SubprocedureFactory

All Known Implementing Classes:
LogRollRegionServerProcedureManager.BackupSubprocedureBuilder, RegionServerFlushTableProcedureManager.FlushTableSubprocedureBuilder, RegionServerSnapshotManager.SnapshotSubprocedureBuilder

@Private public interface SubprocedureFactory
Task builder to build instances of a ProcedureMember's Subprocedures.
  • Method Details

    • buildSubprocedure

      Subprocedure buildSubprocedure(String procName, byte[] procArgs)
      Build Subprocedure when requested.
      procName - name of the procedure associated with this subprocedure
      procArgs - arguments passed from the coordinator about the procedure
      Subprocedure to run or null if the no operation should be run
      IllegalArgumentException - if the operation could not be run because of errors in the request
      IllegalStateException - if the current runner cannot accept any more new requests