Class Procedure<TEnvironment>

All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:
ClaimReplicationQueuesProcedure, FailedProcedure, FlushRegionProcedure, LockProcedure, OnePhaseProcedure, ProcedureInMemoryChore, RegionRemoteProcedureBase, RegionTransitionProcedure, SequentialProcedure, ServerRemoteProcedure, SnapshotRegionProcedure, StateMachineProcedure, TwoPhaseProcedure

@Private public abstract class Procedure<TEnvironment> extends Object implements Comparable<Procedure<TEnvironment>>
Base Procedure class responsible for Procedure Metadata; e.g. state, submittedTime, lastUpdate, stack-indexes, etc.

Procedures are run by a ProcedureExecutor instance. They are submitted and then the ProcedureExecutor keeps calling execute(Object) until the Procedure is done. Execute may be called multiple times in the case of failure or a restart, so code must be idempotent. The return from an execute call is either: null to indicate we are done; ourself if there is more to do; or, a set of sub-procedures that need to be run to completion before the framework resumes our execution.

The ProcedureExecutor keeps its notion of Procedure State in the Procedure itself; e.g. it stamps the Procedure as INITIALIZING, RUNNABLE, SUCCESS, etc. Here are some of the States defined in the ProcedureState enum from protos:

  • isFailed() A procedure has executed at least once and has failed. The procedure may or may not have rolled back yet. Any procedure in FAILED state will be eventually moved to ROLLEDBACK state.
  • isSuccess() A procedure is completed successfully without exception.
  • isFinished() As a procedure in FAILED state will be tried forever for rollback, only condition when scheduler/ executor will drop procedure from further processing is when procedure state is ROLLEDBACK or isSuccess() returns true. This is a terminal state of the procedure.
  • isWaiting() - Procedure is in one of the two waiting states (ProcedureProtos.ProcedureState.WAITING, ProcedureProtos.ProcedureState.WAITING_TIMEOUT).
NOTE: These states are of the ProcedureExecutor. Procedure implementations in turn can keep their own state. This can lead to confusion. Try to keep the two distinct.

rollback() is called when the procedure or one of the sub-procedures has failed. The rollback step is supposed to cleanup the resources created during the execute() step. In case of failure and restart, rollback() may be called multiple times, so again the code must be idempotent.

Procedure can be made respect a locking regime. It has acquire/release methods as well as an hasLock(). The lock implementation is up to the implementor. If an entity needs to be locked for the life of a procedure -- not just the calls to execute -- then implementations should say so with the holdLock(Object) method.

And since we need to restore the lock when restarting to keep the logic correct(HBASE-20846), the implementation is a bit tricky so we add some comments hrre about it.

Procedures can be suspended or put in wait state with a callback that gets executed on Procedure-specified timeout. See setTimeout(int)}, and setTimeoutFailure(Object). See TestProcedureEvents and the TestTimeoutEventProcedure class for an example usage.

There are hooks for collecting metrics on submit of the procedure and on finish. See updateMetricsOnSubmit(Object) and updateMetricsOnFinish(Object, long, boolean).

  • Field Details

    • LOG

      private static final org.slf4j.Logger LOG
    • NO_PROC_ID

      public static final long NO_PROC_ID
      See Also:

      protected static final int NO_TIMEOUT
      See Also:
    • nonceKey

      private NonceKey nonceKey
    • owner

      private String owner
    • parentProcId

      private long parentProcId
    • rootProcId

      private long rootProcId
    • procId

      private long procId
    • submittedTime

      private long submittedTime
    • state

      private org.apache.hadoop.hbase.shaded.protobuf.generated.ProcedureProtos.ProcedureState state
    • exception

    • stackIndexes

      private int[] stackIndexes
    • childrenLatch

      private int childrenLatch
    • wasExecuted

      private boolean wasExecuted
    • timeout

      private volatile int timeout
    • lastUpdate

      private volatile long lastUpdate
    • result

      private volatile byte[] result
    • locked

      private volatile boolean locked
    • lockedWhenLoading

      private boolean lockedWhenLoading
    • bypass

      private volatile boolean bypass
      Used for override complete of the procedure without actually doing any logic in the procedure. If bypass is set to true, when executing it will return null when doExecute(Object) is called to finish the procedure and release any locks it may currently hold. The bypass does cleanup around the Procedure as far as the Procedure framework is concerned. It does not clean any internal state that the Procedure's themselves may have set. That is for the Procedures to do themselves when bypass is called. They should override bypass and do their cleanup in the overridden bypass method (be sure to call the parent bypass to ensure proper processing).

      Bypassing a procedure is not like aborting. Aborting a procedure will trigger a rollback. And since the abort(Object) method is overrideable Some procedures may have chosen to ignore the aborting.
    • persist

      private boolean persist
      Indicate whether we need to persist the procedure to ProcedureStore after execution. Default to true, and the implementation can all skipPersistence() to let the framework skip the persistence of the procedure.

      This is useful when the procedure is in error and you want to retry later. The retry interval and the number of retries are usually not critical so skip the persistence can save some resources, and also speed up the restart processing.

      Notice that this value will be reset to true every time before execution. And when rolling back we do not test this value.

  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • isBypass

      public boolean isBypass()
    • bypass

      protected void bypass(TEnvironment env)
      Set the bypass to true. Only called in ProcedureExecutor.bypassProcedure(long, long, boolean, boolean) for now. DO NOT use this method alone, since we can't just bypass one single procedure. We need to bypass its ancestor too. If your Procedure has set state, it needs to undo it in here.
      env - Current environment. May be null because of context; e.g. pretty-printing procedure WALs where there is no 'environment' (and where Procedures that require an 'environment' won't be run.
    • needPersistence

      boolean needPersistence()
    • resetPersistence

    • skipPersistence

      protected final void skipPersistence()
    • execute

      The main code of the procedure. It must be idempotent since execute() may be called multiple times in case of machine failure in the middle of the execution.
      env - the environment passed to the ProcedureExecutor
      a set of sub-procedures to run or ourselves if there is more work to do or null if the procedure is done.
      ProcedureYieldException - the procedure will be added back to the queue and retried later.
      InterruptedException - the procedure will be added back to the queue and retried later.
      ProcedureSuspendedException - Signal to the executor that Procedure has suspended itself and has set itself up waiting for an external event to wake it back up again.
    • rollback

      protected abstract void rollback(TEnvironment env) throws IOException, InterruptedException
      The code to undo what was done by the execute() code. It is called when the procedure or one of the sub-procedures failed or an abort was requested. It should cleanup all the resources created by the execute() call. The implementation must be idempotent since rollback() may be called multiple time in case of machine failure in the middle of the execution.
      env - the environment passed to the ProcedureExecutor
      IOException - temporary failure, the rollback will retry later
      InterruptedException - the procedure will be added back to the queue and retried later
    • abort

      protected abstract boolean abort(TEnvironment env)
      The abort() call is asynchronous and each procedure must decide how to deal with it, if they want to be abortable. The simplest implementation is to have an AtomicBoolean set in the abort() method and then the execute() will check if the abort flag is set or not. abort() may be called multiple times from the client, so the implementation must be idempotent.

      NOTE: abort() is not like Thread.interrupt(). It is just a notification that allows the procedure implementor abort.

    • serializeStateData

      protected abstract void serializeStateData(ProcedureStateSerializer serializer) throws IOException
      The user-level code of the procedure may have some state to persist (e.g. input arguments or current position in the processing state) to be able to resume on failure.
      serializer - stores the serializable state
    • deserializeStateData

      protected abstract void deserializeStateData(ProcedureStateSerializer serializer) throws IOException
      Called on store load to allow the user to decode the previously serialized state.
      serializer - contains the serialized state
    • waitInitialized

      protected boolean waitInitialized(TEnvironment env)
      The doAcquireLock(Object, ProcedureStore) will be split into two steps, first, it will call us to determine whether we need to wait for initialization, second, it will call acquireLock(Object) to actually handle the lock for this procedure.

      This is because that when master restarts, we need to restore the lock state for all the procedures to not break the semantic if holdLock(Object) is true. But the ProcedureExecutor will be started before the master finish initialization(as it is part of the initialization!), so we need to split the code into two steps, and when restore, we just restore the lock part and ignore the waitInitialized part. Otherwise there will be dead lock.

      true means we need to wait until the environment has been initialized, otherwise true.
    • acquireLock

      The user should override this method if they need a lock on an Entity. A lock can be anything, and it is up to the implementor. The Procedure Framework will call this method just before it invokes execute(Object). It calls releaseLock(Object) after the call to execute.

      If you need to hold the lock for the life of the Procedure -- i.e. you do not want any other Procedure interfering while this Procedure is running, see holdLock(Object).

      Example: in our Master we can execute request in parallel for different tables. We can create t1 and create t2 and these creates can be executed at the same time. Anything else on t1/t2 is queued waiting that specific table create to happen.

      There are 3 LockState:

      • LOCK_ACQUIRED should be returned when the proc has the lock and the proc is ready to execute.
      • LOCK_YIELD_WAIT should be returned when the proc has not the lock and the framework should take care of readding the procedure back to the runnable set for retry
      • LOCK_EVENT_WAIT should be returned when the proc has not the lock and someone will take care of readding the procedure back to the runnable set when the lock is available.
      the lock state as described above.
    • releaseLock

      protected void releaseLock(TEnvironment env)
      The user should override this method, and release lock if necessary.
    • holdLock

      protected boolean holdLock(TEnvironment env)
      Used to keep the procedure lock even when the procedure is yielding or suspended.
      true if the procedure should hold on the lock until completionCleanup()
    • hasLock

      public final boolean hasLock()
      This is used in conjunction with holdLock(Object). If holdLock(Object) returns true, the procedure executor will call acquireLock() once and thereafter not call releaseLock(Object) until the Procedure is done (Normally, it calls release/acquire around each invocation of execute(Object).
      true if the procedure has the lock, false otherwise.
      See Also:
    • beforeReplay

      protected void beforeReplay(TEnvironment env)
      Called when the procedure is loaded for replay. The procedure implementor may use this method to perform some quick operation before replay. e.g. failing the procedure if the state on replay may be unknown.
    • afterReplay

      protected void afterReplay(TEnvironment env)
      Called when the procedure is ready to be added to the queue after the loading/replay operation.
    • completionCleanup

      protected void completionCleanup(TEnvironment env)
      Called when the procedure is marked as completed (success or rollback). The procedure implementor may use this method to cleanup in-memory states. This operation will not be retried on failure. If a procedure took a lock, it will have been released when this method runs.
    • isYieldAfterExecutionStep

      protected boolean isYieldAfterExecutionStep(TEnvironment env)
      By default, the procedure framework/executor will try to run procedures start to finish. Return true to make the executor yield between each execution step to give other procedures a chance to run.
      env - the environment passed to the ProcedureExecutor
      Return true if the executor should yield on completion of an execution step. Defaults to return false.
    • shouldWaitClientAck

      protected boolean shouldWaitClientAck(TEnvironment env)
      By default, the executor will keep the procedure result around util the eviction TTL is expired. The client can cut down the waiting time by requesting that the result is removed from the executor. In case of system started procedure, we can force the executor to auto-ack.
      env - the environment passed to the ProcedureExecutor
      true if the executor should wait the client ack for the result. Defaults to return true.
    • getProcedureMetrics

      Override this method to provide procedure specific counters for submitted count, failed count and time histogram.
      env - The environment passed to the procedure executor
      Container object for procedure related metric
    • updateMetricsOnSubmit

      protected void updateMetricsOnSubmit(TEnvironment env)
      This function will be called just when procedure is submitted for execution. Override this method to update the metrics at the beginning of the procedure. The default implementation updates submitted counter if getProcedureMetrics(Object) returns non-null ProcedureMetrics.
    • updateMetricsOnFinish

      protected void updateMetricsOnFinish(TEnvironment env, long runtime, boolean success)
      This function will be called just after procedure execution is finished. Override this method to update metrics at the end of the procedure. If getProcedureMetrics(Object) returns non-null ProcedureMetrics, the default implementation adds runtime of a procedure to a time histogram for successfully completed procedures. Increments failed counter for failed procedures.

      TODO: As any of the sub-procedures on failure rolls back all procedures in the stack, including successfully finished siblings, this function may get called twice in certain cases for certain procedures. Explore further if this can be called once.

      env - The environment passed to the procedure executor
      runtime - Runtime of the procedure in milliseconds
      success - true if procedure is completed successfully
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object
    • toStringSimpleSB

      Build the StringBuilder for the simple form of procedure string.
      the StringBuilder
    • toStringDetails

      Extend the toString() information with more procedure details
    • toStringClass

      protected String toStringClass()
    • toStringState

      protected void toStringState(StringBuilder builder)
      Called from toString() when interpolating Procedure State. Allows decorating generic Procedure State with Procedure particulars.
      builder - Append current ProcedureProtos.ProcedureState
    • toStringClassDetails

      protected void toStringClassDetails(StringBuilder builder)
      Extend the toString() information with the procedure details e.g. className and parameters
      builder - the string builder to use to append the proc specific information
    • getProcId

      public long getProcId()
    • hasParent

      public boolean hasParent()
    • getParentProcId

      public long getParentProcId()
    • getRootProcId

      public long getRootProcId()
    • getProcName

      public String getProcName()
    • getNonceKey

    • getSubmittedTime

      public long getSubmittedTime()
    • getOwner

      public String getOwner()
    • hasOwner

      public boolean hasOwner()
    • setProcId

      protected void setProcId(long procId)
      Called by the ProcedureExecutor to assign the ID to the newly created procedure.
    • setParentProcId

      protected void setParentProcId(long parentProcId)
      Called by the ProcedureExecutor to assign the parent to the newly created procedure.
    • setRootProcId

      protected void setRootProcId(long rootProcId)
    • setNonceKey

      protected void setNonceKey(NonceKey nonceKey)
      Called by the ProcedureExecutor to set the value to the newly created procedure.
    • setOwner

      public void setOwner(String owner)
    • setOwner

      public void setOwner(User owner)
    • setSubmittedTime

      protected void setSubmittedTime(long submittedTime)
      Called on store load to initialize the Procedure internals after the creation/deserialization.
    • setTimeout

      protected void setTimeout(int timeout)
      timeout - timeout interval in msec
    • hasTimeout

      public boolean hasTimeout()
    • getTimeout

      public int getTimeout()
      Returns the timeout in msec
    • setLastUpdate

      protected void setLastUpdate(long lastUpdate)
      Called on store load to initialize the Procedure internals after the creation/deserialization.
    • updateTimestamp

      protected void updateTimestamp()
      Called by ProcedureExecutor after each time a procedure step is executed.
    • getLastUpdate

      public long getLastUpdate()
    • getTimeoutTimestamp

      protected long getTimeoutTimestamp()
      Timeout of the next timeout. Called by the ProcedureExecutor if the procedure has timeout set and the procedure is in the waiting queue.
      the timestamp of the next timeout.
    • elapsedTime

      public long elapsedTime()
      Returns the time elapsed between the last update and the start time of the procedure.
    • getResult

      public byte[] getResult()
      Returns the serialized result if any, otherwise null
    • setResult

      protected void setResult(byte[] result)
      The procedure may leave a "result" on completion.
      result - the serialized result that will be passed to the client
    • lockedWhenLoading

      final void lockedWhenLoading()
      Will only be called when loading procedures from procedure store, where we need to record whether the procedure has already held a lock. Later we will call restoreLock(Object) to actually acquire the lock.
    • isLockedWhenLoading

      public boolean isLockedWhenLoading()
      Can only be called when restarting, before the procedure actually being executed, as after we actually call the doAcquireLock(Object, ProcedureStore) method, we will reset lockedWhenLoading to false.

      Now it is only used in the ProcedureScheduler to determine whether we should put a Procedure in front of a queue.

    • isRunnable

      public boolean isRunnable()
      Returns true if the procedure is in a RUNNABLE state.
    • isInitializing

      public boolean isInitializing()
    • isFailed

      public boolean isFailed()
      Returns true if the procedure has failed. It may or may not have rolled back.
    • isSuccess

      public boolean isSuccess()
      Returns true if the procedure is finished successfully.
    • isFinished

      public boolean isFinished()
      true if the procedure is finished. The Procedure may be completed successfully or rolledback.
    • isWaiting

      public boolean isWaiting()
      Returns true if the procedure is waiting for a child to finish or for an external event.
    • setState

      protected void setState(org.apache.hadoop.hbase.shaded.protobuf.generated.ProcedureProtos.ProcedureState state)
    • getState

      public org.apache.hadoop.hbase.shaded.protobuf.generated.ProcedureProtos.ProcedureState getState()
    • setFailure

      protected void setFailure(String source, Throwable cause)
    • setFailure

      protected void setFailure(RemoteProcedureException exception)
    • setAbortFailure

      protected void setAbortFailure(String source, String msg)
    • setTimeoutFailure

      protected boolean setTimeoutFailure(TEnvironment env)
      Called by the ProcedureExecutor when the timeout set by setTimeout() is expired.

      Another usage for this method is to implement retrying. A procedure can set the state to WAITING_TIMEOUT by calling setState method, and throw a ProcedureSuspendedException to halt the execution of the procedure, and do not forget a call setTimeout(int) method to set the timeout. And you should also override this method to wake up the procedure, and also return false to tell the ProcedureExecutor that the timeout event has been handled.

      true to let the framework handle the timeout as abort, false in case the procedure handled the timeout itself.
    • hasException

      public boolean hasException()
    • getException

    • setChildrenLatch

      protected void setChildrenLatch(int numChildren)
      Called by the ProcedureExecutor on procedure-load to restore the latch state
    • incChildrenLatch

      protected void incChildrenLatch()
      Called by the ProcedureExecutor on procedure-load to restore the latch state
    • childrenCountDown

      private boolean childrenCountDown()
      Called by the ProcedureExecutor to notify that one of the sub-procedures has completed.
    • tryRunnable

      boolean tryRunnable()
      Try to set this procedure into RUNNABLE state. Succeeds if all subprocedures/children are done.
      True if we were able to move procedure to RUNNABLE state.
    • hasChildren

      protected boolean hasChildren()
    • getChildrenLatch

      protected int getChildrenLatch()
    • addStackIndex

      protected void addStackIndex(int index)
      Called by the RootProcedureState on procedure execution. Each procedure store its stack-index positions.
    • removeStackIndex

      protected boolean removeStackIndex()
    • setStackIndexes

      protected void setStackIndexes(List<Integer> stackIndexes)
      Called on store load to initialize the Procedure internals after the creation/deserialization.
    • setExecuted

      protected void setExecuted()
    • wasExecuted

      public boolean wasExecuted()
    • getStackIndexes

      protected int[] getStackIndexes()
    • isRollbackSupported

      protected boolean isRollbackSupported()
      Return whether the procedure supports rollback. If the procedure does not support rollback, we can skip the rollback state management which could increase the performance. See HBASE-28210 and HBASE-28212.
    • doExecute

      Internal method called by the ProcedureExecutor that starts the user-level code execute().
      ProcedureSuspendedException - This is used when procedure wants to halt processing and skip out without changing states or releasing any locks held.
    • doRollback

      Internal method called by the ProcedureExecutor that starts the user-level code rollback().
    • restoreLock

      final void restoreLock(TEnvironment env)
    • doAcquireLock

      Internal method called by the ProcedureExecutor that starts the user-level code acquireLock().
    • doReleaseLock

      final void doReleaseLock(TEnvironment env, ProcedureStore store)
      Internal method called by the ProcedureExecutor that starts the user-level code releaseLock().
    • suspend

      protected final ProcedureSuspendedException suspend(int timeoutMillis, boolean jitter) throws ProcedureSuspendedException
    • compareTo

      public int compareTo(Procedure<TEnvironment> other)
      Specified by:
      compareTo in interface Comparable<TEnvironment>
    • getProcIdHashCode

      public static long getProcIdHashCode(long procId)
      Get an hashcode for the specified Procedure ID
      the hashcode for the specified procId
    • getRootProcedureId

      protected static <T> Long getRootProcedureId(Map<Long,Procedure<T>> procedures, Procedure<T> proc)
      Helper to lookup the root Procedure ID given a specified procedure.
    • haveSameParent

      public static boolean haveSameParent(Procedure<?> a, Procedure<?> b)
      a - the first procedure to be compared.
      b - the second procedure to be compared.
      true if the two procedures have the same parent