Class CellFlatMap<T extends Cell>

All Implemented Interfaces:
Map<T,T>, NavigableMap<T,T>, SortedMap<T,T>
Direct Known Subclasses:
CellArrayMap, CellChunkMap

@Private public abstract class CellFlatMap<T extends Cell> extends Object implements NavigableMap<T,T>
CellFlatMap stores a constant number of elements and is immutable after creation stage. Being immutable, the CellFlatMap can be implemented as array. The actual array can be on- or off-heap and is implemented in concrete class derived from CellFlatMap. The CellFlatMap uses no synchronization primitives, it is assumed to be created by a single thread and then it can be read-only by multiple threads. The "flat" in the name, means that the memory layout of the Map is sequential array and thus requires less memory than ConcurrentSkipListMap.