Class PBType<T extends>

All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:

@Private public abstract class PBType<T extends> extends Object implements DataType<T>
A base-class for DataType implementations backed by protobuf. See PBCell.

Notice that, in hbase we always uses our own shaded version of protobuf, but you are free to use the original version of protobuf in your own project.

  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • isOrderPreserving

      public boolean isOrderPreserving()
      Description copied from interface: DataType
      Indicates whether this instance writes encoded byte[]'s which preserve the natural sort order of the unencoded value.
      Specified by:
      isOrderPreserving in interface DataType<T extends>
      true when natural order is preserved, false otherwise.
    • getOrder

      public Order getOrder()
      Description copied from interface: DataType
      Retrieve the sort Order imposed by this data type, or null when natural ordering is not preserved. Value is either ascending or descending. Default is assumed to be Order.ASCENDING.
      Specified by:
      getOrder in interface DataType<T extends>
    • isNullable

      public boolean isNullable()
      Description copied from interface: DataType
      Indicates whether this instance supports encoding null values. This depends on the implementation details of the encoding format. All DataTypes that support null should treat null as comparing less than any non-null value for default sort ordering purposes.
      Specified by:
      isNullable in interface DataType<T extends>
      true when null is supported, false otherwise.
    • isSkippable

      public boolean isSkippable()
      Description copied from interface: DataType
      Indicates whether this instance is able to skip over it's encoded value. DataTypes that are not skippable can only be used as the right-most field of a Struct.
      Specified by:
      isSkippable in interface DataType<T extends>
    • encodedLength

      public int encodedLength(T val)
      Description copied from interface: DataType
      Inform consumers how long the encoded byte[] will be.
      Specified by:
      encodedLength in interface DataType<T extends>
      val - The value to check.
      the number of bytes required to encode val.a
    • inputStreamFromByteRange

      public static inputStreamFromByteRange(PositionedByteRange src)
      Create a CodedInputStream from a PositionedByteRange. Be sure to update src's position after consuming from the stream.

      For example:

       Foo.Builder builder = ...
       CodedInputStream is = inputStreamFromByteRange(src);
       Foo ret = builder.mergeFrom(is).build();
       src.setPosition(src.getPosition() + is.getTotalBytesRead());
    • outputStreamFromByteRange

      public static outputStreamFromByteRange(PositionedByteRange dst)
      Create a CodedOutputStream from a PositionedByteRange. Be sure to update dst's position after writing to the stream.

      For example:

       CodedOutputStream os = outputStreamFromByteRange(dst);
       int before = os.spaceLeft(), after, written;
       after = os.spaceLeft();
       written = before - after;
       dst.setPosition(dst.getPosition() + written);