Class CoprocessorClassLoader

All Implemented Interfaces:
Closeable, AutoCloseable

@Private public class CoprocessorClassLoader extends ClassLoaderBase
ClassLoader used to load classes for Coprocessor instances.

This ClassLoader always tries to load classes from the specified coprocessor jar first actually using URLClassLoader logic before delegating to the parent ClassLoader, thus avoiding dependency conflicts between HBase's classpath and classes in the coprocessor jar.

Certain classes are exempt from being loaded by this ClassLoader because it would prevent them from being cast to the equivalent classes in the region server. For example, the Coprocessor interface needs to be loaded by the region server's ClassLoader to prevent a ClassCastException when casting the coprocessor implementation.

A HDFS path can be used to specify the coprocessor jar. In this case, the jar will be copied to local at first under some folder under ${hbase.local.dir}/jars/tmp/. The local copy will be removed automatically when the HBase server instance is stopped.

This ClassLoader also handles resource loading. In most cases this ClassLoader will attempt to load resources from the coprocessor jar first before delegating to the parent. However, like in class loading, some resources need to be handled differently. For all of the Hadoop default configurations (e.g. hbase-default.xml) we will check the parent ClassLoader first to prevent issues such as failing the HBase default configuration version check.

  • Field Details

    • LOG

      private static final org.slf4j.Logger LOG

      private static final String TMP_JARS_DIR
    • classLoadersCache

      private static final ConcurrentMap<org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path,CoprocessorClassLoader> classLoadersCache
      External class loaders cache keyed by external jar path. ClassLoader instance is stored as a weak-reference to allow GC'ing when it is not used (@see HBASE-7205)

      private static final String[] CLASS_PREFIX_EXEMPTIONS
      If the class being loaded starts with any of these strings, we will skip trying to load it from the coprocessor jar and instead delegate directly to the parent ClassLoader.

      If the resource being loaded matches any of these patterns, we will first attempt to load the resource with the parent ClassLoader. Only if the resource is not found by the parent do we attempt to load it from the coprocessor jar.
    • libJarPattern

      private static final Pattern libJarPattern
    • locker

      private static final KeyLocker<String> locker
      A locker used to synchronize class loader initialization per coprocessor jar file
    • parentDirLockSet

      A set used to synchronized parent path clean up. Generally, there should be only one parent path, but using a set so that we can support more.
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • init

      private void init(org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path pathPattern, String pathPrefix, org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration conf) throws IOException
    • getIfCached

      public static CoprocessorClassLoader getIfCached(org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path path)
    • getAllCached

      public static Collection<? extends ClassLoader> getAllCached()
    • clearCache

      public static void clearCache()
    • getClassLoader

      public static CoprocessorClassLoader getClassLoader(org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path path, ClassLoader parent, String pathPrefix, org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration conf) throws IOException
      Get a CoprocessorClassLoader for a coprocessor jar path from cache. If not in cache, create one.
      path - the path to the coprocessor jar file to load classes from
      parent - the parent class loader for exempted classes
      pathPrefix - a prefix used in temp path name to store the jar file locally
      conf - the configuration used to create the class loader, if needed
      a CoprocessorClassLoader for the coprocessor jar path
    • loadClass

      public Class<?> loadClass(String name) throws ClassNotFoundException
      loadClass in class ClassLoader
    • loadClass

      public Class<?> loadClass(String name, String[] includedClassPrefixes) throws ClassNotFoundException
    • getResource

      public URL getResource(String name)
      getResource in class ClassLoader
    • isClassExempt

      protected boolean isClassExempt(String name, String[] includedClassPrefixes)
      Determines whether the given class should be exempt from being loaded by this ClassLoader.
      name - the name of the class to test.
      true if the class should *not* be loaded by this ClassLoader; false otherwise.
    • loadResourceUsingParentFirst

      protected boolean loadResourceUsingParentFirst(String name)
      Determines whether we should attempt to load the given resource using the parent first before attempting to load the resource using this ClassLoader.
      name - the name of the resource to test.
      true if we should attempt to load the resource using the parent first; false if we should attempt to load the resource using this ClassLoader first.